CEF 2 Report Training
11.01.2024 10:00-12:00
The SESAR Deployment Manager invites you to a dedicated CEF 2 Report Training on STAR.
STAR is the main online interaction tool between Implementing Partners and the SESAR Deployment Manager for following up on your ATM modernisation projects.
This training is only for CEF 2 Implementing Partners involved in the 2022 CLEAN ATM Project.
Please ensure that you have an active STAR user account. If this is not/not yet the case, please contact our support at: starsupport@sesardeploymentmanager.eu.
Agenda of the training
An introduction on the CEF 2 Reports, process and timeline
The 2024 Progress Report, how to update the project in STAR, what information must be provided and how to create, elaborate and confirm the report.
Q&A session