SESAR deployment ongoing journey
These milestones represent the major news and events that continue to shape the ongoing journey of European Air Traffic Management modernisation through SESAR deployment.
See our milestones
CANSO and SESAR Deployment Manager, signed a Declaration of Cooperation

‘CLEAN ATM 2’ & ‘GREEN CNS’ awarded €141 million to accelerate modernisation of European sky

SESAR Deployment Manager successfully led the last meeting of the working group focused on ATC-to-ATC interoperability

EUROCONTROL completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Towards Shared Business Trajectory / Trajectory Based Operations

Funding opportunities for SESAR deployment ATM modernization projects!
The CLEAN ATM 2 and GREEN CNS initiatives have been selected under CEF Transport Call for Proposal 2023

Borealis Alliance completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Borealis FRA Implementation (Part2)

ENAV completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project ENAV Deployment of traffic complexity tool and STAM Phase 2

Naviair completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Synchronised PBN Implementation

Nice Airport completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project iAOP implementation

Lufthansa completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Flight Crew Training for RNP1 Operations

Ryanair completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project SWIM-enabled OCC

Groupe ADP completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project CDG & Orly - Initial Airport Operational Plan (AOP)

ENAV completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project ZDM - LARA Enhancement - Implementation in Italy

Lufthansa completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project STAM Phase 2 in combination with Target Times

Austro Control completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project VHF Concept Implementation

ENAIRE completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Fulfilment of the prerequisite A-SMGCS 2 for the PCP AF2 Subfunctionality: Airport Integration and Throughput

Lufthansa completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Provision of EFPL data and initial FF-ICE/1 readiness

DNSA completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Enablers of Network Collaborative Management for En-Route and Airports at DSNA

DFS completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project TANGe (Tower ATS-System Next Generation) Phase 1
Lufthansa completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project "Free Route"

PANSA completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project "iTEC Test, Validation and Planning (iTEC-TVP)"

ENAV completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Phase II 4-Flight deployment in Italy

Lufthansa completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Flight evolution and upgrade of interfaces with NM stakeholders

European Defence Agency and SESAR Deployment Manager have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Future Communication Infrastructure as described in the Multilink Roadmap in 2023
SDM to exchange and share insights with ENAV's President of the Board

Excellent operational meeting with the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise Uksatse

2023 Annual Meeting & Kick Off Meeting for the CEF2 Transport Call 2022 Thank you all for joining
CLEAN ATM (Air Traffic Management) initiative awarded €60 million to accelerate the modernisation of the European sky

Discover 6 benefits of ATM modernisation through CP1 deployment

Visit to DFS and LVNL modernization projects shows SESAR Deployment in Germany and The Netherlands

Funding opportunities for ATM modernization projects: 2023 CEF 2 Transport Call for Proposals launched

SESAR Deployment Manager speaks at Airspace Integration Week Madrid

Visit to Copenhagen Airport modernization projects shows SESAR Deployment in Denmark

Advancing European ATM through the 2023 CEF2 Transport Call Launch Event

ENAIRE completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Fulfilment of the prerequisite A-SMGCS 2

ENAV completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Automatic Tactical Controller Tool implementation

Deployment Coordination Committee (DCOM) meeting between FAA & SDM

Modernising Air Traffic Management As One News and Views from SESAR Deployment Manager Edition # 2

Visit to Ryanair and Airnav Ireland modernization projects shows SESAR Deployment in Ireland

CLEAN ATM initiative - selected by EC for CEF funding – as next step for ATM modernisation

1 year anniversary of the SESAR Deployment Manager New Partnership

SESAR Deployment Manager visits DFS

French Ministry for Armed Forces MOD completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project PATRUS for data exchange between civil and military systems

SESAR Deployment Manager speaking at ACI EUROPE Technical and Operational Safety Committee
ENAIRE completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Deployment of LARA System in Spain

Lufthansa and Air France completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Lufthansa Group & Air France Groups Datalink upgrade to "best-in-class" avionics

Spanish Air and Space Force completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project ES Airbus A310 ATN VDL2 Compliance

TAP Portugal completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Deployment of ATN B1 capability within TAP Group

Royal Schiphol Group and the KNMI completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project APOC Schiphol Airport
Enaire completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Upgrade of trajectory management in SATCA-iTEC

Austrocontrol completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project RNP APCH RWY 29 Vienna

EUROCAE and SESAR strengthen cooperation to accelerate the delivery of the Digital European Sky

LFV completes SESAR deployment Project Implementation of VoIP

EUROCONTROL completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project SWIM Common Components Phase 2

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2017_062_AF4 successfully completed by Skeyes

First flight supported by pre-flight 4D-trajectory data exchange performed by Lufthansa in the European Network
DSNA and THALES unveil a new vision of air traffic management with 4-FLIGHT

Visit to Lufthansa modernization projects shows SESAR Deployment in Germany

Visit to Aeroporti di Roma modernization projects shows SESAR Deployment in Italy

Visit to Eurocontrol modernization projects shows SESAR Deployment in Europe

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_035_AF5 successfully completed by Enaire

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2017_084_AF5 successfully completed by Eurocontrol

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_108_AF5 successfully completed by ENAV

2022 CEF 2 Transport Call for Proposals – opportunities for aviation

SESAR Deployment Programme 2022 approved by European Commission

This was SESAR Deployment Manager at World ATM Congress 2022

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager expresses commitment to modernise the European Sky As One

Modernising Air Traffic Management #AsOne
Check out our latest video
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_196_AF1_A successfully completed by DFS

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_242_AF3 successfully completed by ANS CZ

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_220_AF2 successfully completed by Austro Control
Congratulations to Austro Control for completing the upgrade of the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). Combined with weather radar information, all necessary MET data are available for mitigating potential losses of arrival capacity in severe weather conditions, enabling thanks to the application of Trajectory Based Separation. This achievement was reached with the completion of SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2015_220_AF2. It is part of a thread containing two IPs, which will generate about 1 thousand tons of fuel reduction and an equivalent CO2 saving of 3 thousand tons.
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_092_AF5 and 2017_069_AF5 successfully completed by ENAV
Congratulations to the Italian Air Force for the completion of two SESAR deployment Implementation Projects: 2016_092_AF5 and 2017_069_AF5. The deployment of their Wide Area Network (WAN) enables VoIP and SWIM services, and the deployment of the Integrated Briefing systems enables the Italian Air Force to share Aeronautical Information Service data, crucial for the data flow to civil and military users, both projects further contributing to digitalisation of aviation. These implementation projects are framed in the SWIM Functionality of CP1, namely in SESAR Deployment Programme Family 5.2.1 “Stakeholders’ SWIM PKI and cyber security” and 5.3.1 “Aeronautical Information Exchange”

2022 Interim & Balance Payment Workshop
Due to the complexity of the process for the Interim Payment and Balance requests elaboration, SDM organised a dedicated online workshop. This workshop targeted Call 2015 Cluster 2 – Interim Payment and Call 2015 Cluster 3 and Call 2016 Cluster 2 – Balance Payment. In particular, this workshop was geared towards Overall and/or Financial point of contacts who will be responsible for the interim / balance payment request elaboration within each organization. This event launched both the Interim and Balance Payment request elaboration and provided attendees with detailed information on the process, timeline as well as all mandatory documents which need to be provided.
2022 Action Status Report - Submission to CINEA
We are pleased to inform you that the 2022 Action Status Reports for the following four Actions, covering the reporting period 1st of January 2021 – 31st of December 2021, have been successfully submitted to CINEA on 30th of March 2022*, together with all collected Member States certifications through the TENtec.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_241_AF5 successfully completed by the Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic
Congratulations to the Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic for providing a SWIM compliant interface to all aeronautical meteorological information produced within Prague FIR, ready for international exchange. This achievement was reached with the completion of SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2015_241_AF5, framed within SESAR Deployment Programme Family 5.4.1 “Meteorological Information Exchange”.

Data Link Support Group #8 meeting on 9 – 10 March 2022
On the 9th and 10th of March 2022, the eighth meeting of the Data Link Support Group (DSG) was organised by EUROCONTROL NM with the support of SESAR Deployment Manager. This online meeting was an occasion for the DSG to meet and confer on Datalink Services-related matters, providing updates on pending matters from the previous DSG meetings and addressing further actions to be discussed and taken by the group during this eighth meeting. DSG8 was attended by a wide variety of stakeholders, counting airspace users, ANSPs, aviation manufacturers, CSPs, institutional partners and airports, with over 60 attendees.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_117_AF5 successfully completed by EUROCONTROL
Congratulations to EUROCONTROL for the completion of SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2015_117_AF5. It complements and further evolves the Network Manager (NM) infrastructure for System Wide Information Management compliance. It is contained in a thread of five projects, coordinated by the SESAR Deployment Manager, enabling NM SWIM capability, all of them framed in the SESAR Deployment Programme Family 5.2.1 “Stakeholders’ SWIM PKI and cyber security”.

SWIM Workshop - Flight and Flow Information for Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE)
SESAR Deployment Manager and EUROCONTROL organised on 15 March 2022 a SWIM-related webinar on Flight and Flow Information for Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE) targeted towards Air Navigation Service Providers to an interactive online workshop on SWIM FF-ICE implementation.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_114_AF4 successfully completed by ENAV
Congratulations to the Italian Air Navigation Service Provider ENAV for the completion of the SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2016_114_AF4, developing the Traffic Complexity Tool for the four Italian ACCs to enhance traffic flow management and allow mitigation strategies. This Implementation Project is framed in the SESAR Deployment Programme Family 4.3.1 “Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment and Flight Planning Interfaces”. This implementation is expected to decrease more than 600 thousand minutes of En-Route ATFM Delay.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_067_AF5, 2015_068_AF5, and 2015_069_AF5 successfully completed by EUMETNET
Congratulations to EUMETNET & partners for the simultaneous completion of 3 SESAR deployment Implementation Projects for ensuring the timely availability of meteorological information to all relevant stakeholders to mitigate the impact of bad weather on aviation operations: 2015_067_AF5, 2015_068_AF5, and 2015_069_AF5. The largest European MET service providers have finalised the setup of their new SWIM service access points via the SWIM Registry, where all ATM stakeholders can retrieve relevant information for their operations.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Projects 2015_067_AF5, 2015_068_AF5 and 2015_069_AF5 successfully completed by EUMETNET & partners
deployment Implementation Projects for ensuring the timely availability of meteorological information to all relevant stakeholders to mitigate the impact of bad weather on aviation operations. The largest European MET service providers have finalised the setup of their new SWIM service access points via the SWIM Registry, where all ATM stakeholders can retrieve relevant information for their operations. This includes high-quality and real-time 3D weather radar data, probability forecasts for winter weather conditions and forecasts of weather hazards (including icing, turbulence and convection, etc.) offering a single, harmonized, pan-European view of these weather phenomena to help enhance situational awareness. The availability of all this information will not only enable an improved planning of operations and reduce unexpected delays, but it will also support optimized flight paths for Airspace Users, with positive effects on the #environment due to less consumption of fossil fuels. These implementation projects are framed in the SESAR Deployment Programme Family 5.4.1 “Meteorological Information Exchange”.

“Multilink CONOPS and use/non-use of IDRP Report” delivered to the European Commission
The report on Multilink CONOPS and use/non-use of IDRP was delivered to the European Commission on the 21st of December, following a comprehensive consultation conducted via the Stakeholder Consultation Platform by the SESAR Deployment Manager. This report constitutes the third and final cycle of consultation of 2021. This report provides a description of the operational Multilink CONOPS covering the needs of stakeholders’ needs, and outlines the recommended way forward related to the use or non-use of IDRP in the ATN/OSI Multilink environment.
2021 ADS-B Ground Implementation and Best Practice now published
Throughout 2021, SESAR Deployment Manager together with EUROCONTROL embarked on a series of in-depth site visits with a select group of six ANSPs who had previously reported such implementation plans, or had established themselves pioneers of ADS-B use in ground systems. In ADS-B Ground Implementation and Best Practices, SESAR Deployment Manager is proud to present a comprehensive summary of these visits, including a synthesis of the associated state-of-the-art practices encountered, both in the technical and operational domains.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_231_AF5 successfully completed by AustroControl
Congratulations to the Austrian Air Navigation Service Provider Austrocontrol for the completion of the SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_231_AF5 "METSW-DB PCP Evolution", a database and technical enabler for the exchange of meteorological information via SWIM. This implementation project is framed in the SESAR Deployment Programme Family 5.4.1. "Meteorological Information Exchange".

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_035_AF5 successfully completed by PANSA
Congratulations of the Polish Air Nativation Service Provider PANSA for the completion of the SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_035_AF5 "LAN Network Upgrade", integrating existing legacy components in SWIM environments. The upgrade of the ATM communication infrastructure is vital for the secure transmission and exchange of data, also improving the management of the information flow.

SESAR deployment has reached its 200th completed project
Today, SESAR deployment has reached its 200th completed project! A big THANK YOU to all involved stakeholders for making ATM modernisation and digitalisation a reality for EU passengers, citizens & economies through their ongoing commitment. This milestone would not have been reached without the true commitment of the operational stakeholders who have, despite the Covid crisis, managed to complete 60 SESAR deployment projects since 2020.

SWIM Webinar #2 - MET services
EUROCONTROL and SESAR Deployment Manager, with the support of the A6 Alliance, organised a webinar focused on the Met SWIM service implementation and the availability of new Met products in support of ATM. The webinar aimed to create awareness of the new Met products and to share implementation experiences from both providers and consumers of the services. You can watch the recording here:

SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting 2021
The SESAR Deployment Manager held its Annual Meeting on the 17th of November, with an introduction from the General Manager Nicolas Warinsko and keynote speeches from Marco De Sciscio (DG MOVE) and Cristobal Millan de la Lastra (CINEA). We thank our stakeholders for attending this event and showcasing their continuous support to SESAR deployment as well as for their efforts in making European ATM more modern, digital and sustainable. Let's keep on delivering together.

Monitoring View 2021 Webinar
On the 16th of November, the SESAR Deployment Manager organised a webinar on the Monitoring View 2021 exercice. The SESAR Deployment Programme Monitoring View represents the single point of reference for reporting the most detailed information on the status of the CP1 Regulation, enhanced with data from the 341 Implementation Projects coordinated by the SESAR Deployment Manager. With the adoption of the Common Project 1, the elaboration of the new SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 and the intense cooperation between EUROCONTROL and the SDM, the need for operational stakeholders to participate to multiple reporting cycles has finally been overcome. From this year, there is a single entry point for all ground data referred to ATM modernisation on the LSSIP+ tool. CP1 monitoring activities will be complemented with additional data gathering from civil and military Airspace Users as well as the Network Manager.

Call for the next SESAR Deployment Manager and Framework Partnership Agreement Coordinator mandates is out
On that day, the European Commission has published on its website the Call for the next SESAR Deployment Manager and Framework Partnership Agreement Coordinator. It is great news for all aviation stakeholders involved in SESAR deployment, learning that they will be able to continue delivering ATM modernization together under the coordination of a new SESAR deployment mandate holder, ensuring a smooth continuation after the end of the current mandate by end May 2022. Our objective is to make this transition as seamless as possible for the nearly 100 implementing partners involved in SESAR deployment and relying daily on SESAR Deployment Managers’ support. By the end of this year, we will have 200 ATM modernization and digitalization projects that will be completed and deliver tangible benefits to the European passengers, citizens and economy, ensuring a solid legacy for our successor.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_120_AF1 – Introduction of RNP1+RF and APV procedures in MXP and FCO successfully completed
Congratulations to the Italian Air Navigation Service Provider ENAV for the completion of their SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2016_120_AF1, which introduces RNP1+RF procedures at the airports of Milan Malpensa and Rome Fiumicino. On top of decreasing the environmental footprint of Air Traffic Management, these procedures also enhance operational efficiency.

SDM Chief Strategy & Programme Manager Mariagrazia La Piscopia on Fox ATM’s podcast
SESAR Deployment Manager’s Chief Strategy & Programme Manager Mariagrazia La Piscopia recently spoke as a guest on the episode 13 of Fox ATM’s podcast to discuss the specifics of SESAR Deployment. On this occasion, Mariagrazia La Piscopia discussed, among many other topics, how SESAR deployment contributes to the modernisation and digitalisation of Europe’s Air Traffic Management with the contribution of all involved stakeholders, as well as the future of SESAR deployment through a smooth continuation of operations.

SESAR Deployment Manager’s Modernisation Mission – an interview with Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager
The ongoing journey for the modernisation and digitalisation of Europe’s Air Traffic Management continues through the deployment of SESAR! Despite the challenges faced since 2020, the ATM sector is still eager for positive evolutions through the deployment of SESAR solutions to support the CP1 goals of modernisation, digitalisation and sustainability for the aviation industry. In this article, our General Manager Nicolas Warinsko underlines the strong commitment to SESAR deployment of all involved stakeholders.

Data Link Support Group #7 meeting on 6 – 7 October 2021
On the 6th and 7th of October 2021, the seventh meeting of the Data Link Support Group (DSG) was organised by EUROCONTROL NM with the support of SESAR Deployment Manager. This online meeting was an occasion for the DSG to meet and confer on Datalink Services-related matters, providing updates on pending matters from the previous DSG meetings and addressing further actions to be discussed and taken by the group during this sixth meeting. DSG7 was attended by a wide variety of stakeholders, counting civil and military airspace users, ANSPs, aviation manufacturers, CSPs, institutional partners and airports, with over 100 attendees.

Did You Know That… SESAR modernisation & digitalisation projects increase airside operation safety?
Did You Know That… SESAR modernisation & digitalisation projects increase airside operation safety? Thanks to the deployment of the implementation project “Deploying Airport Safety Nets across the Largest European Airports”, which allows the detection of potential conflicts as well as the prevention of hazards, the safety of EU passengers is enhanced across 13 European airports. This project is also bringing environmental benefits thanks to the upgrade of ATM systems which reduces CO2 and noise emissions.

Did You Know That… 77% of flights are equipped with DLS through SESAR deployment?
Did you know that the deployment of SESAR projects supports Datalink Services in Europe? Thanks to the ongoing coordination of Air Traffic Management modernisation and digitalisation projects, 77% of flights in Europe are now equipped with DLS, compared to 40% in 2018, bringing tangible benefits to European Air Traffic Management.

Did You Know That… SESAR deployment benefits nearly 100 action beneficiaries?
Did you know that the deployment of SESAR projects benefits nearly 100 action beneficiaries? 343 modernisation and digitalisation projects are bringing tangible benefits and positive impact to 93 Air Traffic Management stakeholders through the coordination of 7 actions by SESAR Deployment Manager & supported by the EU, saving trees, fuel, money and time.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_217_AF4 – tCAT implementation in Sofia ACC successfully completed
Congratulations to BULATSA for the completion of their SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2015_217_AF4, which materialises in the deployment of a Traffic Complexity Assessment Tool (tCAT) in the Sofia Air Control Center. tCAT is a decision support tool that predicts the complexity of operations, thus allowing accurate planning of ATC resources. The completion of this project will improve capacity with delay reduction, and is expected to save 63,4 million euros until 2030. The project is framed within the SESAR Deployment Programme Family 4.3.1 “Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment and Flight Planning interfaces”. SESAR Deployment Manager performs a Cost-Benefit Analysis for all completed projects after 1 year in operation in order to evaluate their contribution to the network performance and the benefits delivered against the original expectations. The same process will apply to project 2015_217_AF4 in 2022 and confirm its positive impact.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2017_074_AF3 – Hungarian ATM system upgrade for AF3-AF4 successfully completed
Congratulations to the Hungarian Air Nagivation Service Provider HungaroControl for the completion of IP 2017_074_AF3, supporting cross-border free route operations, thanks to the management of real-time airspace data, exchange airspace reservation messages, support dynamic airspace configuration & interface to NM systems. This SESAR deployment Implementation Project is framed in 4 Families of the SESAR Deployment Programme developed for CP1, namely Reg.: 3.1.1 “ASM and A-FUA”, 3.1.2 “Management of pre-defined Airspace configuration”, 3.2.2 “Enhanced FRA operations” & 4.3.1 “Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment”. This Project is the last of a group of 3 interrelated implementation initiatives coordinated by SDM. Air Traffic Management system upgrades in favour of Free Route Airspace in Hungary will improve operational efficiency & reduce environmental footprint. This group of Projects is expected to save 43,3M € by 2030. SDM performs CBA of Completed IPS after 1 year in operation to evaluate their contribution to the network performance and the benefits delivered against the original expectations. The same process will apply to IP 2017_074_AF3 in 2022, hoping to confirm the expected positive impact from the completion of this project.

Amendment Exercise – Amendment Biweekly Newsletters to IPPs
The biweekly newsletters to Implementing Partners contains a to-do list per CEF call. This supporting tool used by SDM aims to guide IPPs through the 2021 Amendment Exercise with a customised to-do list according to the activities to be performed every two weeks, in order to ensure the timely 2021 Amendment(s) signature in time for the second Monitoring Gate for 2021.
SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 released for EC approval after wide consultation with stakeholders
On the 27th of July, the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 (SDP2021) was released to the European Commission after wide consultation with all involved SESAR deployment stakeholders. The SESAR Deployment Manager wants to thank all involved stakeholders for their commitment to modernising, digitalising and making European Air Traffic Management more sustainable.

Did You Know That... The deployment of SESAR projects support the environment by reducing CO2 emission
From the 343 SESAR deployment modernisation and digitalisation projects, implementation projects such as ENAV’s Free Route Airspace support the environmental sustainability of the European sky by reducing the environmental footprint thanks to shorter flight paths, and thus reducing fuel consumption! The resulting reduction in CO2 emissions support the European Commission’s goals of becoming carbon neutral by 2030, in line with the EU Green Deal as well as the targets set by the CP1 regulation.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Projects 2016_033_AF5 & 2016_034_AF5 successfully completed
Congratulations to Dublin Airport for ensuring the exchange of A-CDM data with the Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC) via a new SWIM platform and infrastructure compliant with SWIM Yellow Profile. This was achieved thanks to the completion of two SESAR deployment Implementation Project, 2016_033_AF5 “Use SWIM methods to replace AFTN feeds for A-CDM” and 2016_034_AF5 “Upgrade/Replace Infrastructure to facilitate SWIM”, which aim to ensure the exchange of A-CDM data with the Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC) via a new SWIM platform and infrastructure compliant with SWIM Yellow Profile.

SWIM Webinar on 22 June 2021 - launch of SWIM Webinar series
The SESAR deployment Manager and EUROCONTROL NM, with the support of the A6 Alliance, were very pleased to welcome stakeholders to the first edition of a series of webinars on SWIM, with 238 participants in attendance. This successful webinar will lead to more discussions on topics presented during the event, following the interest of all involved stakeholders and the enthusiasm shown for the SWIM topic for which SDM will continue to disseminate information and raise awareness in future editions of the SWIM Webinar series.

SCP Consultation of the SDP 2021 in full swing
The Single European Sky Partners, also known as the "Europe For Aviation" stakeholders, will not participate to the World ATM Congress (WAC) 2021. The decision has been jointly taken amongst all of the Europe For Aviation partners, coordinated by the European Commission, EUROCONTROL and SESAR (SJU/SDM).

SESAR Deployment Manager will not be at World ATM Congress 2021
Single European Sky Partners, also known as the Europe For Aviation stakeholders, will unfortunately not be able to participate to this year’s World ATM Congress organised in Madrid in October 2021. The decision has been jointly taken amongst all of the Europe For Aviation partners, coordinated by the European Commission, EUROCONTROL and SESAR (SJU/SDM).

Did You Know That… SESAR deployment improves air traffic flow and capacity management?
Did you know that SESAR deployment improves air traffic flow and capacity management? Since 2019, the Spanish Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) ENAIRE is able to avoid bottlenecks and network congestion thanks to Short Term Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) measures, which result in less delays and shorter flight paths to the benefit of almost 250 million passengers on a yearly basis.

Did You Know That… SESAR deployment improves weather information sharing?
Did you know that SESAR deployment improves weather information sharing? Meteo service providers (METSPs) are deploying cross-border harmonised Weather Hazard SWIM services through Access Points to allow all Air Traffic Management (ATM) stakeholders to retrieve relevant MET information available on the European SWIM Registry, which will support them in improving their planning, reducing potential delays due to poor weather conditions and reduce the use of fuel. The implementation of this SESAR deployment modernisation and digitalisation project offers a single harmonized view of weather phenomena for the whole of Europe and helps mitigate the impact of poor weather on aviation operations.

Amendment Exercise – Amendment Biweekly Newsletters to IPPs
The biweekly newsletters to Implementing Partners contains a to-do list per CEF call. This supporting tool used by SDM aims to guide IPPs through the 2021 Amendment Exercise with a customised to-do list according to the activities to be performed every two weeks, in order to ensure the timely 2021 Amendment(s) signature in time for the second Monitoring Gate for 2021.
SDM sets up an overview of key deliverables in the SDM Partner Area
SESAR Deployment Manager set up an overview of the deliverables developed over the years by the SDM, now on the Partner Area, to ensure continuity and archive key documents and deliverables on the same platform.
The European Commission virtually visits Air France
SESAR Deployment Manager is facilitating a series of visits from the European Commission and CINEA representatives to Implementing Partners of SESAR deployment, with the aim to assess the deployment projects that are operational in Europe. Due to travel restrictions and safety measures, the visits are currently being organised fully online together with experts from SDM, CINEA, the European Commission and representatives of the Member State. The third virtual site visit of 2021 was at Air France.

Did You Know That… This SESAR deployment modernisation project supports the digitalisation of the European sky?
The implementation of Datalink in Europe is a key enabler for the rollout of the Initial Trajectory Information Sharing as defined by the CP1 regulation (IR 116/2021). Thanks to the work accomplished together with 25 Air Traffic Management organisations and the support of EUROCONTROL, SESAR Deployment Manager ensures the wide use of #DLS in European #aviation.

Consultation Cycle 2 – SDM replies to comments
After the closure of the first Cycle of consultations for the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021, followed by the start of Cycle 2, SESAR Deployment Manager replied to the comments shared in this second cycle of consultations through the Stakeholder Consultation Platform.
Did You Know That… European aviation players are building a sustainable sky together for you?
Did you know that European aviation players are building a sustainable sky together for you? Since 2015, SESAR Deployment Manager coordinates the synchronised deployment of nearly 350 SESAR implementation projects in close collaboration with 93 partners in 33 countries in order to achieve more sustainability in Europe’s Air Traffic Management through the modernisation and digitalisation of the European sky. Together with operational stakeholders, SDM turns modernisation solutions into an operational reality on the ground and in the air for a more sustainable and resilient European aviation and to create a Single Digital European Sky.

Amendment Exercise – Amendment Biweekly Newsletters to IPPs
The biweekly newsletters to Implementing Partners contains a to-do list per CEF call. This supporting tool used by SDM aims to guide IPPs through the 2021 Amendment Exercise with a customised to-do list according to the activities to be performed every two weeks, in order to ensure the timely 2021 Amendment(s) signature in time for the second Monitoring Gate for 2021.
The European Commission virtually visits DSNA and French MoD
SESAR Deployment Manager is facilitating a series of visits from the European Commission and CINEA representatives to Implementing Partners of SESAR deployment, with the aim to assess the deployment projects that are operational in Europe. Due to travel restrictions and safety measures, the visits are currently being organised fully online together with experts from SDM, CINEA, the European Commission and representatives of the Member State. The second virtual site visit of 2021 was held at the French Air Navigation Service Provider DSNA and the French Ministry of Defence.
Did You Know That… The deployment of SESAR implementation projects aim to reduce CO2 emissions?
Out of the 343 modernisation and digitalisation projects, SESAR deployment implementation projects such as the Borealis Alliance’s Free Route Airspace support a more sustainable European sky by allowing more direct routes, and thus less fuel used! This reduction in CO2 emissions support the European Commission’s sustainability goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030, in line with the EU Green Deal as well as the targets of the CP1 regulation.

Data Link Support Group #6 meeting on 26 – 27 May 2021
On the 26th and 27th of May 2021, the sixth meeting of the Data Link Support Group (DSG) was organised by EUROCONTROL NM with the support of SESAR Deployment Manager. This online meeting was an occasion for the DSG to meet and confer on Datalink Services-related matters, providing updates on pending matters from the previous DSG meetings and addressing further actions to be discussed and taken by the group during this sixth meeting. It was attended by a wide variety of stakeholders, counting civil and military airspace users, ANSPs, aviation manufacturers, CSPs, institutional partners and airports, with over 100 attendees.

SESAR Deployment Manager Newsletter #3 in 2021: Delivering ATM Modernisation Together
The 3rd edition of the SDM Newsletter in 2021 presented the ongoing communication campaign called “Did You Know That?”, which is a series of publications on the ongoing efforts for the modernisation and digitalisation of Air Traffic Management in Europe through the deployment of SESAR. This edition also announced the start of a series of webinars on SWIM in collaboration with EUROCONTROL NM and with the support of the A6 Alliance, with the first edition held on 22 June 2021.

Did You Know That… A digitalised sky means a greener sky! #DYKT
Did you know that a digitalised sky means a greener sky? 190 Air Traffic Management modernisation and digitalisation projects are currently completed, with a number of them accelerating Europe’s flight towards a greener and more sustainable sky thanks to the digitalisation of ATM in Europe. The deployment of these modernisation and digitalisation projects showcase our commitment to the European Commission’s sustainability goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050, within the EU Green Deal.

Ongoing re-assessment of all SESAR deployment Performance Benefits
The exercise in re-assessing all the Performance Benefits from SESAR deployment started in June and will remain in a continuous process until the next Execution Progress Report in November 2021.
Did You Know That… 190 completed SESAR deployment projects are saving 27,3 million minutes on passengers’ time by 2030?
Did you know that the deployment of SESAR projects saves time? 190 out of 343 Air Traffic Management modernisation and digitalisation projects are bringing tangible benefits to passengers and the EU by saving 27,3 million minutes on passengers’ time by 2030.

Did You Know That... SESAR deployment saves trees, money and time while modernising and digitalising Europe’s ATM? #DYKT
Together with our stakeholders, SESAR Deployment Manager delivers benefits for European passengers, citizens and economies with the completion of 190 out of 343 SESAR deployment implementation projects.

The European Air Traffic Management modernization journey continues
Did you know that… 190 Air Traffic Management modernisation and digitalisation projects are bringing benefits to European passengers, citizens, environment & economy? Check our video on SESAR deployment below and find out how we deliver together with our stakeholders, with the support of the European Commission and CINEA.
Did You Know That… the sky above your head is being modernised and digitalised to benefit you? #DYKT
With the SESAR initiative - a continuous cycle of innovation, development, validation and deployment of Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation projects - the European Union aims to achieve a modern, digitalised Single European Sky. SESAR Deployment Manager is the coordinator behind the deployment of nearly 350 modernisation projects, all key enablers for more sustainability within European aviation. We are delivering concrete benefits to the environment, European passengers, citizens and economy together with the entire ATM industry and aviation stakeholders since 2015.

Consultation Cycle 2 – distribution of the Final Drafts of the SDP and Planning View
The Consultation Campaign for the new SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 was launched in March 2021, with the first cycle of Consultation involving the distribution of the Initial Drafts of the SDP and Planning View 2021. In this second cycle of Consultation, the Final Drafts of the SDP and Planning View 2021 were distributed.

The European Commission virtually visits HungaroControl
SESAR Deployment Manager is facilitating a series of visits from the European Commission and CINEA representatives to Implementing Partners of SESAR deployment, with the aim to assess the deployment projects that are operational in Europe. Due to travel restrictions and safety measures, the visits are currently being organised fully online together with experts from SDM, CINEA, the European Commission and representatives of the Member State. In 2021, the first virtual site visit was held at the Air Navigation Service Provider HungaroControl.

Amendment Exercise – Amendment Biweekly Newsletters to IPPs
The biweekly newsletters to Implementing Partners contains a to-do list per CEF call. This supporting tool used by SDM aims to guide IPPs through the 2021 Amendment Exercise with a customised to-do list according to the activities to be performed every two weeks, in order to ensure the timely 2021 Amendment(s) signature in time for the second Monitoring Gate for 2021.
Bi-monthly Newsletter Action Execution – March 2021
The SDM Bi-monthly Newsletter aims to update Action beneficiaries of the different Action execution phases every two months. This edition updated recipients on the launch of the 2021 Amendment Exercise based on the submission of the 2021 Action Status Reports, in parallel to the activities carried out for the elaboration of the 2021 Interim and Balance Payment requests. The newsletter also informed readers of the change of INEA into CINEA in April as well as of the migration of SDM-coordinated Implementation Projects into the CP1 framework.

SESAR Deployment Manager at the CNS Advisory Group Workshop on 7 May 2021
SESAR Deployment Manager participated to the CNS Advisory Group Workshop on the 7th of May 2021. The new report sets the road for CNS evolution in Europe, and the document includes key elements brought forward by SDM itself: the need for an industry-inclusive Programme Management layer built on the example of DLS and ADS-B, and the need to link the future CNS evolution plan to the SESAR Deployment Programme.
Consultation Cycle 1 – meeting of the Thematic Sub-Group
In the context of the first cycle of consultations for the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021, the Thematic Sub-Group held a meeting.
2021 Amendment Exercise – Training session 2
SESAR Deployment Manager hosted the second training session for the 2021 Amendment Exercise. Once again, SDM presented some informational material in an interactive setting to stakeholders, with a focus on both the process and the technical (STAR tool) side.
Closure of the assessment for the 2015 CEF call Cluster 1 Final Report and Payment of the Balance
The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) closed the assessment for the 2015 CEF Call Cluster 1 final report as well as the Payment of the Balance.
SESAR Deployment Facts & Figures – May 2021 update
The SESAR Deployment Facts & Figures factsheet showcasing the benefits delivered for European passengers, citizens and economies was updated and released in May 2021 to show the performance benefits of the first 190 completed SESAR implementation projects, with a strong increase in benefits from the previous version.

Amendment Exercise – Amendment Biweekly Newsletters to IPPs
The biweekly newsletters to Implementing Partners contains a to-do list per CEF call. This supporting tool used by SDM aims to guide IPPs through the 2021 Amendment Exercise with a customised to-do list according to the activities to be performed every two weeks, in order to ensure the timely 2021 Amendment(s) signature in time for the second Monitoring Gate for 2021.
2021 Amendment Exercise – Training session 1
SESAR Deployment Manager hosted the first training session for the 2021 Amendment Exercise. In the first of these two interactive workshops, SDM presented some informational material in an interactive setting, with a focus on both the process and the technical (STAR tool) side.
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_212_AF2 - Fulfillment of the prerequisite EFS for the PCP AF2 Subfunctionality: Airport Integration and Throughput (2017-2019) completed
Congratulations to ENAIRE for completing the operational validation towards the implementation of Electronic Flight-Strips (EFS). EFS will bring improvements, amongst other elements, on the enhancement of information integration with advanced tools and facilitate data input. This was achieved thanks to the completion of SESAR deployment implementation project 2015_212_AF2, delivering PCP elements for the three Spanish Airports in PCP scope under SDP Family 2.1.2 “Electronic Flight Strips (EFS)”. This Implementation Project is the successor of another SESAR Deployment Manager coordinated IP from ENAIRE already concluded in 2017, namely the IP #057AF2a “Fulfilment of the prerequisite EFS for the PCP AF2 Subfunctionality: Airport Integration and Throughput (2014-2016)”. Both projects are expected to provide 15 million euros of savings by 2030, thanks to the reduction of time, fuel and CO2 emissions.

Consultation for the “Performance part” of the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 draft
The “Performance part” of the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 draft was released for consultation on the Stakeholder Consultation Platform to highlight the impact on performance by the Common Project 1 regulation.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project #122AF3 - Initial ASM tool to support AFUA completed
Congratulations to the Portuguese ANSP NAV Portugal for the implementation and entry into operation of the LARA tool at Lisbon ACC, with its information being continuously provided to the Network Manager. This has been achieved thanks to the completion of the SESAR deployment Implementation Project #122AF3. This Project has delivered PCP elements related to Airspace Management and Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace, improving flight efficiency and reducing environmental footprint, expecting to save 8,8 Million € until 2030. SESAR Deployment Manager will perform the Cost-Benefit Analysis of this project after 1 year in operation.
SESAR Deployment Manager Newsletter #2 in 2021: Delivering ATM Modernisation Together
The 2nd edition of the SDM Newsletter in 2021 focused on the kick-off of consultations for the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021, which aims to ensure the optimisation and synchronisation of ATM modernisation and digitalisation through SESAR deployment and accelerating Europe towards a greener sky in the context of CP1 and the EU Green Deal. Readers were also informed that the Stakeholder Consultation Platform was moved to the Partner Area and that SDM delivered the 6 Action Status Reports to CINEA.

The Stakeholder Consultation Platform now on the Partner Area
The Stakeholder Consultation Platform (SCP) has been moved to the Partner Area and is now facilitating the entire consultation of the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 (#SDP2021). The Partner Area was itself launched end 2020 to facilitate exchanges between SESAR Deployment Manager and all involved stakeholders. The implementation of the SCP on the Partner Area aims to optimise the consultation of the #SDP2021 by facilitating the tracking of documents, interactions, and so on for involved stakeholders.

2021 Action Status Report - Submission to INEA
The 2021 Action Status Report was successfully and smoothly submitted to CINEA on the 29th of March 2021, covering the reporting period 1st of January 2020 – 31st of December 2020, 29th of March 2021, despite the remote working conditions and the impact of COVID-19 on different stakeholders together with all collected Member States certifications through the TENtec tool. It should be highlighted that the preliminary lists for the 2021 Amendment Exercise were elaborated and submitted to CINEA together with the ASR 2021.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_150_AF2_AIR - Enablers for Airport Surface Movement related to Safety Nets (AIR) completed
Congratulations to Groupe ADP and Air France for the implementation of airborne safety enablers in the A320 and A330 Family, and the definition of business and operational needs of airborne enablers for surface movements. This has been achieved thanks to the completion of the project 2016_150_AF2_AIR. The completion of this SESAR deployment Implementation Project brings benefits to European aviation, delivering PCP elements in Fraport AG under SDP Family 2.5.2 “Aircraft and vehicle systems contributing to Airport Safety Nets”, coordinated by SESAR Deployment Manager and co-financed by the European Commission and INEA. The improvements on capacity and operational efficiency are expected to save 26 Million € until 2030. SESAR Deployment Manager performs the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Completed Projects after one year in operation, in order to evaluate their contribution to the network performance and the benefits delivered against the original expectations. The same process will apply to this Implementation Project in 2021, hoping to confirm this expected positive impact.

SESAR Deployment Manager 2021 Interim & Balance Payment Workshop
Due to the complexity of the process for the Interim Payment and Balance requests elaboration, SDM will host a dedicated online workshop. This workshop targeted all Action Beneficiaries, in particular Overall and/or Financial point of contacts who is responsible for the interim/balance payment request elaboration within each organization. This event launched both the Interim and Balance Payment request elaboration and provided attendees with detailed information on the process, timeline as well as all mandatory documents which need to be provided.
SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 consultation kicked-off
The Consultation Campaign for the new SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 was launched, with the first cycle of Consultation involving the distribution of the Initial Drafts of the SDP and Planning View 2021. Consultation of stakeholders is key to ensure a widely supported implementation plan for European Air Traffic Management modernization. Nearly 750 comments have been managed up to now, supporting the delivery of a new common implementation plan for all impacted stakeholders.

Bi-monthly Newsletter Action Execution – March 2021
The SDM Bi-monthly Newsletter aims to update Action beneficiaries of the different Action execution phases every two months. This newsletter aimed to inform recipients on the entry into force of the Common Project One Regulation, the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021, SDM cyber security, the 2021 Action Status Report, and so forth.

SESAR Deployment Annual Report delivered to the European Commission
While 2020 was extremely challenging for the aviation industry due to the COVID-19, the SESAR Deployment Annual Report was delivered to the European Commission, showcasing the resilience of SESAR deployment despite the difficult times with the number of completed projects jumping to 181 by the end of 2020, and the focus of the SDA on its core activities in the usual cooperative spirit with the stakeholders.

Risk Assessment 2021 delivered to DG MOVE
The Risk Assessment 2021 is the only reliable document that reports on risks, delays and mitigation measured associated with the European Commission Implementing Regulation (IR) 116/2021, namely Common Project One (CP1). This document is also the first document that takes into account the updated deadlines from the CP1 regulation.
Common Project 1 enters into force, a milestone for the continuation and coordination of ATM modernisation and digitalisation through SESAR deployment
European Commission Implementing Regulation no. 2021/116, Common Project 1 (CP1), amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 409/2013 and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 716/2014 known as the Pilot Common Project (PCP) enters into force today, on the 22nd of February, 20 days after its publication into the EU Official Journal. SDM is currently working on the SESAR Deployment Programme 2021, a concrete manual for EU operational stakeholders breaking down the regulation on what has to be done, how, where, when and by whom ensuring the optimisation and synchronisation of ATM modernisation and digitalisation through SESAR deployment and accelerating Europe towards a greener aviation industry.

SESAR Deployment Manager Newsletter #1 in 2021: Delivering ATM Modernisation Together
The 1st edition of the SDM Newsletter in 2021 celebrated a key regulatory milestone securing further sustainable modernisation of European Air Traffic Management, namely the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 116/2021, Common Project One (CP1), which was published on the 2nd of February 2021 and entered into force on the 22nd February 2021.

Data Link Support Group #5 meeting on 04 – 05 February 2021
On the 4th and 5th of February 2021, the fifth meeting of the Data Link Support Group (DSG) was organised by EUROCONTROL NM with the support of SESAR Deployment Manager. This online meeting was an occasion for the DSG to meet and confer on Datalink Services-related matters, providing updates on pending matters from the previous DSG meetings and addressing further actions to be discussed and taken by the group during this fifth meeting. It was attended by a wide variety of stakeholders, counting civil and military airspace users, ANSPs, aviation manufacturers, institutional partners and airports, with over 100 attendees.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2017_020_AF5 - Initial SWIM security deployment completed
Congratulations to Rome Airport for increasing their cybersecurity defences, integrating current and future cybersecurity policies and providing an initial alignment to SWIM service architecture with a high degree of security, protecting the overall IT airport systems thanks to the completion of the SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2017_020_AF5. This Implementation Project, which delivers SDP elements for Rome Fiumicino in Family 5.2.3 “Stakeholders SWIM PKI and cybersecurity”, was coordinated by SESAR Deployment Manager and co-financed by the European Commission and INEA.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_038_AF5 - Implementation of an IP-based G/G data communication network in ENAIRE (REDAN) completed
Congratulations to ENAIRE for upgrading their aeronautical data network (REDAN), delivering complementary activities aimed at satisfying additional connectivity users requirements, to ensure an agreed level of Ground-Ground interconnectivity between Air Traffic Service Units and stakeholders. This achievement was attained thanks to the completion of the SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2016_038_AF5, which delivers SDP elements for Spain in Family 5.2.1 “Stakeholders Internet Protocol Compliance”, coordinated by SDM and co-financed by the European Commission and INEA. This IP is part of a thread of two initiatives. They are facilitators of additional SWIM-related initiatives which already decrease communication costs, expecting to save 25 Million € until 2030. We will perform the Cost-Benefit Analysis after one year in operation, positive that we will confirm this expected impact.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_098_AF5 - Implementing redundant WAN completed
Congratulations to the Swedish ANSP LFV for the implementation of two additional WAN services, ensuring that the communication systems meet SWIM requirements and strengthening communication capabilities to continue to operate communication and surveillance services for ATS/ATM purposes. This achievement was attained thanks to the completion of the #SESAR deployment Implementation Project 2015_098_AF5, delivering SDP elements within Family 5.2.1 “Stakeholders Internet Protocol” in Sweden, coordinated by SESAR Deployment Manager and co-financed by the European Commission and INEA.

SESAR deployment Implementation Project #107AF1 - First phase of RNAV1 and RNP-APCH approaches Amsterdam Schiphol (EHAM) completed
Congratulations to the Dutch ANSP LVNL for the publication of PBN procedures to Runways 18C, 36R and 22 in the AIP, ending with the procedure evaluation, through the completion of Implementation Project #107AF1. This publication was preceded by the safety assessment, flight validations and ATCO training. The completion of this SESAR deployment IP delivers #PCP elements in Amsterdam Schiphol under Deployment Programme Families related to the Enhanced Terminal Airspace using RNP-Based Operations, coordinated by SDM and co-financed by the European Commission and INEA. This IP is part of a group of 3 interrelated implementation initiatives, which are expected to conclude in July 2021, saving 4.8 Million € until 2030 thanks to improvements in operational efficiency and on the environment. SDM performs the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Completed group of Projects after one year in operation in order to evaluate their contribution to the network performance and the benefits delivered against the original expectations. The same process will apply to IP #107AF1 in 2022, after the whole group is completed, hoping to confirm this expected positive impact.

SESAR Deployment Manager at EUROCONTROL Network Manager User Week Webinar “Scalability and resilience to move the network forward”
SESAR Deployment Manager was present at the EUROCONTROL NM's User Week "Scalability and resilience to move the network forward". SDM's Chief Strategy and Programme Management Mariagrazia La Piscopia spoke at the session "ATM infrastructure - Plan, deploy and monitor together" on Friday 12 February, alongside Paul Bosman (EUROCONTROL), Jörg Pikolin (Lufthansa), Patrick Mana (EUROCONTROL and Nikos Fistas (EUROCONTROL). Civil and military ATM infrastructure is the technical enabler for pilots and controllers to maintain the safe separation of aircraft. This infrastructure needs to further embrace digitalisation to boost performance, resilience & scalability.

Common Project 1 - a new European regulation ensuring the continuation of sustainable ATM modernisation and digitalization through SESAR deployment
European Commission Implementing Regulation no. 2021/116, Common Project 1 (CP1), amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 409/2013 and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 716/2014 known as the Pilot Common Project was published today into the EU Official Journal. CP1 aims to steer Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation in Europe. The SESAR Deployment Manager will break down the CP1 into a brand new SESAR Deployment Programme 2021, turning the regulation into a concrete manual to guide operational stakeholders on what has to be done, how, where and by when, with the aim to accelerate the digitalisation of the European ATM towards a greener aviation.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_202_AF3 - ASM Tool Implementation completed
Congratulations to the Italian ANSP ENAV for the completion of the SESAR deployment implementation project 2015_202_AF3 "ASM Tool Implementation", bringing benefits to European aviation and delivering PCP elements under the SDM Family 3.1.1 "ASM Tool to support AFUA" and Famil 3.1.2 "ASM management of real time airspace data". The installation and entry into operation of the LARA system allows ENAV and the Italian Air Force to begin to walk together the path towards the automation of the negotiation process. ASM and LARA provide seamless coordination between systems and states, improving operational efficiency and saving passenger's time as well. This Project is part of a group of interrelated implementation initiatives, expected to conclude in December 2021. This group of Projects is expected to save 13 Million euros by 2030. SDM will perform the Cost-Benefit Analysis after 1 year in operation, positive that the expected impact will be confirmed. (Photo taken in 2019, pre-COVID crisis)

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project #059AF5 Implementation of an IP-based G/G data communication network in ENAIRE completed
Congratulations to the Spanish ANSP ENAIRE for the successful implementation and operation of an Internet Protocol-based Ground-Ground data communication network, ensuring the interconnectivity between ENAIRE Air Traffic Services Units and stakeholders, according to SWIM principles. The completion of this SESAR deployment implementation project brings benefits to European aviation, delivering PCP elements under the SDP Family 5.2.1 - Stakeholder Internet Protocol Compliance. The implementation project is part of a thread of two initiatives coordinated by SDM. They are facilitators of additional SWIM-related initiatives, which already decrease communication costs, expecting to save 25 million euros until 2030. SDM will perform the Cost-Benefit Analysis after one year in operation, positive that the expected impact will be confirmed.

Bi-monthly Newsletter Action Execution – January 2021
The SDM Bi-monthly Newsletter aims to update Action beneficiaries of the different Action execution phases every two months. This newsletter aimed to inform recipients that the content of the Bimonthly Newsletter was now entirely available on the Partner Area, with specific subsections for each CEF call.

DLS status report released
The Datalink Service (DLS) status report was released, showcasing the benefits on digitalisation delivered by SESAR Deployment Manager through bringing DLS in operations in 24 countries after more than a decade of delays and long-standing issues.

2021 Amendment Exercise launched
The 2021 Amendment Exercise was launched on the 15th of January. This exercise is the first of its kind that fully encompasses the delays and disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis, which has greatly impacted aviation.
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_159_AF6 DLS Implementation Project - Path 2 completed
Congratulations to the Italian ANSP ENAV and all involved partners for the completion of the project “DLS Implementation Project - Path 2”, which aims to define the technical aspects of the future DLS infrastructure target solution. This Implementation Project involved most European ANSPs, the two main Communication Services Providers, as well as the Airspace Users and manufacturing industries. It is one of the three IPs coordinated by DMS building the Data Link Services Recovery Plan. The completion of this SESAR deployment project brings benefits to European aviation, delivering an essential prerequisite towards business trajectory under SDP Family 6.1.3 - A.G. and G.G. Multi Frequency Data Link Network in defined European Service Areas.

SESAR Deployment Manager & Stakeholders committed to continue the journey of Air Traffic Management modernization
For the past 6 years, SESAR Deployment Manager has successfully translated stakeholder commitment supported by European funding into tangible ATM modernisation. 2020 has been challenging for all stakeholders, with an unprecedented crisis that has greatly affected the aviation sector and is unfortunately still ongoing. However, over 150 Air Traffic Management modernisation projects have been completed and will continue bringing benefits to the European passengers, citizens and economy.
SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting: The European Air Traffic Management modernisation journey continues
Let’s keep on delivering together! This was the big takeaway of our SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting, which gathered over 300 participants from the European ATM community. Introduced by our General Manager Nicolas Warinsko, this event was attended by our keynote speaker Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director-General of the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (MOVE), and the concluding remarks were delivered by Mr. Dirk Beckers, Director of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency. Round-Table Session speakers from DG MOVE, INEA, European Defence Agency, EUROCONTROL and SESAR Joint Undertaking shared their perspective and their commitment to SESAR deployment. You can find the recordings below:
SESAR Deployment Manager pleased with the smooth continuation of the coordination and the synchronisation of modernization and digitalisation of European ATM being prepared
The mandate of the SESAR Deployment Alliance is coming to an end, after demonstrating the added value of the SESAR Deployment Manager function since 2014. Several key operational stakeholders are joining forces to set up a new partnership, which could become a candidate for the next SDM at the occasion of the forthcoming call for proposals by the European Commission, ensuring the continuity of the function as well as the smooth transition of all specific competences and assets.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_073_AF1 AMAN upgrade for extended horizon at DSNA airports completed
Congratulations to DSNA and partners for the completion of the project “AMAN upgrade for extended horizon at DSNA airports”, providing additional capabilities of traffic sequencing and coordination for arrivals into the Paris and Côte d’Azur airports. The system also improves the flight plan trajectory prediction to facilitate the extension of arrival sequence management, and export the sequence across-borders.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2017_008_AF6 Air France Group Datalink Upgrade to best in class avionics completed
Congratulations to Air France for the completion of the project “Air France Group Datalink Upgrade to best in class avionics” both on the ground and airborne domain, achieving the deployment of ATN B1 capability to “best-in-class” avionics configuration on the Transavia’s B737 and training of Air France Group pilots, thus ensuring the compliance with Datalink Regulation to operate the datalink service above FL285.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_025_AF5 Sub-regional SWIM MET deployment to support NEFRA (part A) completed
Congratulations to the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Danish Meteorological Institute and the Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute for the completion of the project “Sub-Regional SWIM NET deployment to support NEFRA (part A)”, a first step towards full Meteorological SWIM information exchange in Finland, Sweden and Denmark, aiming to implement a flexible and cost-efficient interoperable production and exchange of MET information.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_085_AF2 DMAN and Pre-departure sequence (PDS) implementations for the CDM implementation completed
Congratulations to Aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur and DSNA for the completion of the project “DMAN and Pre-departure sequence (PDS) implementations for the CDM implementation” which improves operations predictability, optimizes resources management and increases capacity through an upgrade of the Departure Management System.
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_062_AF3 4-Flight Deployment in PARIS Area – Phase 1 completed
Congratulations to DSNA for completing the project “4-Flight Deployment in PARIS Area – Phase 1”, which aims to deploy 4-Flight, a new-generation system for en-route control. The implementation of the 4-Flight hardware and software development for the training facility required for its operation in Paris ACC will increase DSNA performance.

SESAR Deployment Manager launches new website supporting ongoing ATM modernisation in Europe
SESAR Deployment Manager has launched a new website as part of its ongoing support to Air Traffic Management modernisation in Europe. The new website aims to consolidate all deployment realisations so far and the ongoing efforts being translated into benefits and supporting the ongoing journey of ATM modernisation under coordination of the Deployment Manager. The new portal showcases completed, ongoing and planned modernisation projects and their benefits and includes a private platform set up in light of continuously improving the interaction with deployment stakeholders.
European Commission virtually visits LFV
SDM is facilitating visits from the European Commission and INEA representatives to Implementing Partners of SESAR deployment. The first corona-proof edition was a visit to the Swedish Air Navigation Service Provider LFV. On this occasion, LFV and SDM presented 10 SESAR deployment projects. These visits aim to assess the deployment projects operational in Europe. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions and safety measures, this visit was organised fully online together with SDM experts, INEA, the European Commission and representatives of the Member State.
4th Data Link Support Group meeting
The 4th Data Link Support Group (DSG) was organized by EUROCONTROL NM, with the support of SDM. This online meeting, chaired by Luc Chevalley (Skyguide) and Klauspeter Hauf (DFS), was an occasion for the DSG to meet and confer on Datalink Services-related matters, providing updates on pending matters from the previous DSG meetings and addressing further actions to be discussed and taken by the group during this fourth meeting. It was attended by a wide variety of stakeholders, counting civil and military airspace users, ANSPs, aviation manufacturers, institutional partners and airports, with over 100 attendees.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_186_AF1 RNP approaches to three main landing runways Amsterdam Schiphol completed
Congratulations to the Dutch ANSP LVNL and all partners involved for the completion of the project “RNP approaches to three main landing runways Amsterdam Schiphol” which aims to implement Required Navigation Performance with vertical approach as a part of PBN implementation.

CP1 open for consultation
On 17 August 2020, the European Commission launched the public consultation on the Common Project 1 (CP1) proposal, inviting EU stakeholders and citizens to express their views. This public consultation is the last opportunity for stakeholders and EU citizens to give their opinions, which will guide the future of common project implementation and influence SESAR’s impact on Europe’s ATM modernisation.
145th SESAR deployment project completed
On 31 July 2020, the final deliverables « SWIM Governance » Project were delivered to the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM), thus concluding more than 3 years of collaborative work involving 20 partners as diverse as airports, airlines, air navigation service providers, meteorological service providers, military organizations and Eurocontrol.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_225_AF2 Initial Airport Operations Plan @ FRA completed
Congratulations to Frankfurt Airport for completing the project “Initial Airport Operations Plan @ FRA”, which aims to set the iAOP in order to improve predictability and resilience of airport operations. This project supports the decision-making process of stakeholders by providing a common picture of the actual flight operation at Frankfurt Airport via the airport community application, offering common parameters for monitoring and examining the real-time operation.

SESAR Deployment Manager signs MoU with European Telecommunications Standards Institute
The SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the 17th of July. Standards are key to ensure that this modernisation is safe, and robust. As ETSI, together with other standardisation bodies, plays an instrumental role in developing those standards, the relations between ETSI and SDM have been naturally and smoothly established already some years ago. This MoU comes timely to capture our joint experience and cooperation.
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_025_AF5_B Sub-regional SWIM MET deployment to support NEFRA (part B) completed
Congratulations to the Estonian Environment Agency (ESTEA) for the completion of the project “Sub-regional SWIM NET deployment to support NEFRA (part B)”, which aims to support the exchange of meteo information in compliance with SWIM principles, as a part of the digitalization shift contained in the PCP.

COVID-19 crisis support measures for SESAR deployment Implementing Partners
At the beginning of the year, the COVID-19 crisis swept the world and severely impacted many industries, including the air transport sector, with ongoing repercussions that could drastically change the aviation landscape for years to come. We are glad to announce that we have agreed with the European Commission and INEA on a set of measures that will already support SESAR deployment Implementing Partners in resuming the activities related to their SESAR ATM modernisation projects through and benefitting from a reduction of the administrative tasks for SESAR Implementing Partners.

International ground-ground communications networking: DSNA successfully migrated to NewPENS
On 10th June 2020, DSNA completed the migration to NewPENS of its operational data exchanges with partners Air Navigation Service Providers and EUROCONTROL. NewPENS is the new Pan-European Network Services (PENS) interconnection network, now aiming at supporting new challenges in the modernisation of ATM, including safety, system interoperability and cybersecurity requirements.

3rd Data Link Support Group meeting
Born out of the necessity to resolve the technical and operational issues around Data Link Services (DLS) in Europe and the need to identify the root cause(s) of reported data link issues, SDM, EASA and EUROCONTROL NM established the Data Link Support Group (DSG) that bring together all the relevant stakeholders. SDM, in collaboration with EUROCONTROL NM, will continue to raise awareness and promote the DSG activity in order to attract active participation from different stakeholders.
Preliminary results of the SESAR Deployment Manager’s survey on the impact of COVID19 on ATM modernisation
SESAR Deployment Manager launched its survey to Implementing Partners in March to garner a more precise picture, in the current context, of the challenges faced by the European ATM Community as well as the efforts made towards the delivery of a modern, more performant, environmental-friendly and scalable ATM system. Moreover, this survey also aimed at identifying key practical solutions to mitigate, as much as possible, the impact of this crisis on implementation projects. Based on these findings, we have identified a number of mitigation opportunities to be elaborated in close collaboration with INEA and DG MOVE in order to draw a common set of exceptional practices that could come as an effective support to our partners.

EASA Committee approves SPI IR Amendment
The long-awaited draft amendment of the SPI IR regulation 1207/2011 has received a positive vote in the EASA Committee and is on the path to adoption. The same is true for 1206/2011 (ACID IR).

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_071_AF5 Implement a PT Air Force IP Backbone connected into NewPENS completed
Congratulations to the Portuguese Air Force for the completion of the project “Implement a PT Air Force IP Backbone connected into NewPENS”, which allows the integration of the Portuguese Air Force Communications, Navigation and Surveillance for ATM into the NewPENS network, increasing the interoperability between civil and military Air Traffic Services.

Launch of the survey on the impact of COVID-19 on ATM modernisation
SESAR Deployment Manager launched its survey to Implementing Partners to garner a more precise picture, in the current context, of the challenges faced by the European ATM Community as well as the efforts made towards the delivery of a modern, more performant, environmental-friendly and scalable ATM system. Moreover, this survey also aims at identifying key practical solutions to mitigate, as much as possible, the impact of this crisis on implementation projects.
SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_290_AF2 Initial AOP & 2015_292_AF2 DMAN Stockholm Arlanda Airport completed
Congratulations to Swedavia for the completion of projects “Initial AOP” and “DMAN Stockholm Arlanda Airport”, which aim to improve the Airport Operations Plan and A-CDM. These projects are part of four interrelated implementation initiatives, which contribute to better predictability and increased airport capacity.

Europe for Aviation at World ATM Congress 10-12 March 2020 - CANCELED
SESAR Deployment Manager was slated to participated to the World ATM Congress, taking place from the 10th to the 12th March 2020, as a part of the Europe for Aviation team. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WAC2020 was canceled.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_099_AF5 DK-SE Aeronautical Data Quality (ADQ) completed
Congratulations to the Swedish ANSP LFV and the Danish ANSP Naviair for completing the project “DK-SE Aeronautical Data Quality (ADQ)”, which aims to improve Aeronautical Information Exchange in the Denmark-Sweden FAB, enhance security, data integrity and capacity, and promote ATM automation.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_210_AF5 AMHS/SWIM gateway completed
Congratulations to the Spanish ANSP ENAIRE for the completion of the project AMHS/SWIM gateway, which aims to develop a gateway that will allow to route and convert messages to and from the Aeronautical Message Handing System (AMHS) domain for SWIM standards, based on Web Services.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_110_AF3 ENAV Automated ENV Data Interchange for FDP/ERATO & 2016_115_AF3 ENAV 4-Flight Deployment in Italy – Third Stage completed
Congratulations to the Italian ANSP ENAV for the completion of two projects, namely the ENAV Automated ENV Data Interchange for FDP/Erato, and the ENAV 4-Flight Deployment in Italy – Third Stage. These two projects are part of a group of interrelated initiatives, expected to conclude by the end of 2023. They will improve capacity, ATCO productivity and predictability in en-route operations, resulting in improved flight efficiency and positive environmental impact.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2015_178_AF2 – Implementation of AOP Schiphol Airport completed
Congratulations to Schiphol Airport for the completion of the SESAR project “Implementation of AOP Schiphol Airport”, which aims to prepare, execute and monitor AOP (Airport Operations Plan), optimising the information exchange between airport stakeholders and network management through the integration of existing Airport Operations Data Base and A-CDM portal for suitable exchange with the Network Operations Portal.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project #108AF2 – Electronic Flight Strips at Schiphol completed
Congratulations to the Dutch ANSP LVNL for completing the SESAR Project aiming to introduce electronic flight strips instead of paper light strips at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, providing more flexibility for controller working positions and enabling further data exchanges, supporting A-CDM, Departure Management, and Safety Nets.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project IP 2016_037_AF3 – Deployment of LARA System in Spain completed
Congratulations to the Spanish ANSP ENAIRE for completing the SESAR project “Deployment of LARA System in Spain”. This project aims to implement LARA (Local And sub-Regional ASM support system), a common airspace management system for civil-military cooperation, interoperable with the Network Manager deployed at national level in Spain. This project enhances civil & military interoperability.

SESAR Deployment Implementation Project 2016_085_AF3 – ATM System Ugrade towards Free Route Airspace completed
Congratulations to the Polish ANSP PANSA for completing the SESAR project ATM System Upgrade towards Free Route Airspace. This Implementation Project aims to deploy new functionalities supporting Air Traffic Controllers in Free Route, improving en-route operation flight efficiency with a positive environmental impact, and enhancing predictability and capacity.

ADS-B Implementation Plan 2019 delivered to the European Commission
The ADS-B Implementation Plan edition 2019 was delivered to the European Commission. The Plan was elaborated with support from Eurocontrol/Network Manager on matters covering performance monitoring and general operational and technical coordination. It provides an updated view of Airspace Users’ implementation plans, the progress of implementation in the airborne domain, increases the representativeness of the basis of planned compliance data and includes cost-benefit analysis.

First edition of SES Digital Backbone Newsletter launched
Similar to other industries, European ATM is becoming more digital information interdependent each day. The ATM Masterplan shows a clear vision of digitalisation, automation and virtualisation. Remote Towers, ATM virtual centers and drones are clear examples of the digital transformation happening in ATM today. This first Newsletter on the SES Digital Backbone informs ATM stakeholders on what the initiative is about, who is involved, how you can get involved, where we stand today and what is coming up.

Happy 5th birthday to all SESAR deployment stakeholders!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Air Traffic Management stakeholders! Today we celebrate 5 years of delivering SESAR deployment together. Reason enough for saying A BIG THANK YOU to all involved stakeholders. Thanks to YOU #SESARdelivers benefits to European ATM, passengers, economy and environment. Let’s keep on delivering ATM modernisation together.

Execution Progress Report 2 delivered to the European Commission
SESAR Deployment Programme - Monitoring View delivered
2019 CEF Transport Call for Proposal publication: €20 million to support SESAR deployment
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) has launched today a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport funding instrument, which makes a total of €1.4 billion available for projects aiming to build, upgrade and improve European transport infrastructure. €20 million is available to support SESAR deployment.

Smart tech and smart regulation can drive modernisation of Air Traffic Management in Europe’s congested skies
Report on the workshop jointly organised by SESAR Deployment Manager and the European Space Agency - New satellite-based communication system Iris offers a resilient and complimentary solution towards ATM modernisation. Satellite-based communications systems such as Iris, a Data Link Service (DLS) system funded and promoted by the European Space Agency (ESA), will add a safe, resilient, and secure solution to the ongoing Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation program in Europe’s congested airspace.

SESAR Deployment Manager at the Digital Transport Days
SESAR Deployment Manager took part in the Digital Transport Days 2019 held in Helsinki, Finland, and spoke during the session: “Digitalisation of TEN-T: from research to deployment” on Wednesday 9 October between 9:00 and 10:30.

The Future in Aviation: Iris, a reality for Air Traffic Management
On Wednesday 2 October 2019, from 09:00 – 17:00 CET, SESAR Deployment Manager and the European Space Agency organised an event to update all ATM stakeholders on Iris, a solution for satellite-based air-ground communication for ATM; Iris represents a solid option as a complementary technology, both in terms of performance and fast operational availability. SESAR Deployment Manager remains objective and only co-organizes this event focused on Iris as being one of the possible options and within the scope of its mandate on Data Link Services and AF6.
SESAR Deployment Programme - Planning View delivered
SESAR Deployment Manager boosts Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast implementation across Europe
SESAR Deployment Manager has launched a website focused on the implementation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) in Europe at https://ads-b-europe.eu/. The new website’s goal is to provide a frequently updated snapshot of the ADS-B deployment status in Europe and inform how it helps to achieve the Single European Sky goals and contributes to a safer and more sustainable air transport.

New ECA report acknowledges value of coordinating ATM modernisation through SESAR deployment
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) just published a report on the EU’s intervention in the deployment of SESAR. While the report acknowledges the EU-added value of common projects, the report also claims that EU funding in support of ATM (Air Traffic Management) modernisation was often not necessary. SESAR Deployment Manager’s work has been a pioneer initiative to put in place ATM research solutions and the rules governing the project have always included a review clause to adjust any shortcomings.
SESAR Deployment Alliance becomes a member of EUROCAE
European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) plays a key role on the European scene for the development of standards for Aviation, including Air Traffic Management.
SESAR Deployment Manager on course to contribute to 522,000 tonnes CO2 in aviation by 2030
Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation projects overseen by SESAR Deployment Manager (SESAR DM) will deliver a cut of over 552,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of planting one million trees, by 2030, delegates heard at the SESAR: Delivering the Future of Aviation Together Conference in Bucharest, Romania, last week.
New Management Team of the SESAR Deployment Alliance in place
Executive Progress Report delivered
8 Action Status Reports delivered
SESAR Deployment Manager at the World ATM Congress 2019
SESAR Deployment Manager was present at the World ATM Congress 2019 as a part of the Europe for Aviation team to deliver key messages on ATM modernisation.
GSA & SESAR Deployment Manager sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management
The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the SESAR Deployment Manager signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the World ATM Congress in Madrid on 13 March on future cooperation to modernise EU Air Traffic Management by leveraging Galileo and EGNOS.

SESAR is delivering!
SESAR Deployment Manager delivered a factsheet on SESAR deployment as well as a video on the benefits delivered to EU passengers.

EU Air Traffic passengers benefit as completed SESAR deployment projects reach the 100th milestone
Air traffic passengers across Europe are benefitting after the number of completed modernisation aviation projects being deployed by SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) and supported by all operational stakeholders, reached the 100th milestone.

Data Link Services workshop demonstrates strong synchronised deployment is delivering
Since 2017, 35 stakeholders have been involved in Data Link Services (DLS) through 10 implementation projects, supported by 29 million euro public EU money. The results so far confirm SESAR Deployment Manager’s added value through a defragmented and well synchronised approach against years of fragmentation and diversity of baseline local scenarios: substantial increases of DLS performances, through an effective Multi-Frequency upgrade, are reported by the Network Manager.

SESAR Deployment Programme 2018 approved by European Commission
On Wednesday 19 December 2018, the 2018 edition of the SESAR Deployment Programme was officially approved by the European Commission College in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation (EU)409/2013.

2017 CEF Transport SESAR Call signed, adding 228 m euro support to ATM modernisation
On 19 December 2018, INEA and SESAR Deployment Manager signed the 2017 CEF Transport SESAR Call. This brings the partners deploying SESAR in Europe to 94. It brings 49 new ATM modernisation projects in 22 EU states for an investment of 458 million euro with 228 million euro of INEA support.

SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting
The aim of the SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting is to provide stakeholders with an overview of status of the on-going Actions as well as share the processes including relevant roadmaps for the upcoming activities (e.g. 2019 ASR, etc.)
2017 CEF Transport Call Kick Off Meeting
As first step related to the Action ”SESAR Deployment Programme implementation – 2017” the meeting provides the Action Beneficiaries with the overall information on the Action execution phase. The CEF Transport Call 2017 brings 49 new ATM modernisation projects, 58 partners implementing these projects, in 22 EU member states, 458 million euro of total investment and 228 million euro of EU support.
€458M additional investment increasing Europe’s ATM performance through SESAR
The European Commission (INEA) has just announced the CEF Coordination Committee Decision including the results regarding the Funding Objective 3.1, “Single European Sky – SESAR”. A total of 290,3 m euro of EU funding will be devoted to modernising European air traffic management. All in all, 14 projects under which the project “SESAR Deployment Programme implementation – 2017” – including no less than 49 implementation projects in one action submitted by SESAR Deployment Manager have been awarded.
The Data Link Service (DLS) performance peaks
The data of August 2018 provided by the Network Manager shows the lowest level of Provider Aborts (loss of connectivity between aircraft & ground) since the start of DLS implementation (4.4). DLS is well underway to reach the end target under the coordination of the SESAR Deployment Manager as the Data Link Implementation Project Manager.

Cooperation agreement between EUROCONTROL and the SESAR Deployment Manager
With this cooperation agreement, SESAR Deployment Manager and EUROCONTROL join forces in areas such as project coordination/management, global interoperability, cost-effectiveness/cost-benefit analyses, performance assessment, and the identification of innovative financing mechanisms.

Members of aviation industry in Europe call for SESAR Deployment Manager lifecycle extension
SESAR Deployment Manager has received a boost after all 19 members of the SESAR Deployment Alliance, representing airports, airlines, and air navigation providers, signed a joint letter developing proposals for optimizing SDM role and calling for an extension of SDA in SDM’s role beyond its current mandate ending in 2020.

SESAR Deployment Manager and European Space Agency sign Memorandum of Cooperation
SESAR Deployment Manager and the European Space Agency (ESA) have today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) marking the start of the collaboration between both organisations. The MoC will see both organisations coordinate over the deployment of the satellite-based communication system (Iris) and SESAR Deployment in Europe.

Workshop on the implementation of ADS-B
The objective of the workshop on the implementation of the SPI Implementing Regulation is to present and discuss the result of EASA’s rulemaking group RMT.0679 and to present and discuss the status of deployment and integration of ADS-B ground stations in the RDP/FDP ground systems, and status of aircraft equipage.

"Hard to find a better success story of EU industry & public institution cooperation", says Henrik Hololei
During the session on Aviation “Building tomorrow’s innovative air traffic system” held at TENT-T days today in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Director-General of DG Move Mr Henrik Hololei stated that ‘it is hard to find a better success story of EU industry & public institution cooperation when you know SESAR’. In his closing notes he also mentioned that putting the industry in the driving seat of SESAR deployment has been the right decision.

SESAR @ Ten-T Days 2018
SESAR attended the Ten-T Days in Ljubljana in Slovenia. SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR Joint Undertaking were represented in a SESAR stand under the umbrella of the EC and showcasing the interactive SESAR tool. Furthermore, SESAR is organising a session on Aviation: “Building tomorrow’s innovative air traffic system” on Wednesday 25 April from 11:15 – 13:00.

Application “SESAR Deployment Programme implementation – 2017" successfully submitted
The Application “SESAR Deployment Programme implementation – 2017” has been successfully submitted in response to the 2017 CEF Transport call for proposals on 5 April 2018, before the INEA deadline set on 12th of April. The Application integrates a total of 55 PCP related implementation projects (60 IPs when split with multiple co-funding rates) for a potential total investment of € 592,451,563 (€ 274,618,011.80 of CEF funding) and the involvement of 59 applicants under the coordination of SDM.
Ryanair joins as the 19th member of the SDA
The airline Ryanair officially joins the SESAR Deployment Alliance as the 19th member.
SESAR @ World ATM Congress 2018
SESAR: from innovation to deployment The visitors of the World ATM Congress 2018 got a taste of the transformation that is underway in air traffic management thanks to SESAR stakeholders through a series of walking tours. This was the opportunity to meet with experts from the SESAR community and see first-hand the wide variety of solutions that are being delivered and deployed across Europe.

First Executive Committee on interoperability under new MoC between EU – US
Data Link Services - Recovering from delay in modernizing ATM communication in Europe
The SESAR Deployment Manager received a mandate from the European Commission’s DG MOVE to act as a Data Link Services (DLS) Implementation Project Manager. In just 15 months, SDM was able to fulfill this role successfully. In accordance to the DLS Recovery Plan, the SDM and all partners succeeded in achieving substantial progress of the deployment of the DLS transitional solution through a harmonized approach.

ROMATSA and HungaroControl become members of SDA
The Romanian ANSP ROMATSA and the Hungarian ANSP HungaroControl officially became members of the SESAR Deployment Alliance in January 2018.
Nicolas Warinsko new General Manager SESAR Deployment Manager
Nicolas Warinsko was appointed as General Manager to lead the SESAR Deployment Alliance (SDA), in its role as the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) on behalf of the European Commission from 1 January 2018.

SESAR Deployment Manager 2016 CEF Transport Call Kick Off Meeting
The 2016 CEF Call – Kick Off meeting to successfully launch the Action Execution Phase provided Action Beneficiaries with the overall information on the Action execution phase, including two focus groups on monitoring process and financial management of the Action as the first official step after the signature of the SGA related to the Actions No: 2016-EU-TM-0117-M and 2016-EU-TM-0113-M
Data Link Services website launched
On 17 November 2017, the website www.datalinkservices.eu was launched. The website aims to be your single point of reference for all info on Data Link Services implementation in Europe. The information presented on the website is the result of joint activities of all official DLS partners and is updated regularly.

SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting 2017
The SESAR Deployment Manager held its Annual Meeting one year after the Kick-off meeting of the Action for an update on the overall progress of the Action together with the next steps.
Close to 269 million euro support for modernising air traffic management
European Commissioner for Transport and Mobility Violeta Bulc launched 15 projects co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF) at the Digital Transport Days 2017 in Tallinn. The projects are expected to develop digital solutions and upgrade the European rail, road, maritime and air transport network.

Commission proposal on 2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals
The European Commission (EC) proposed to allocate 2.7 billion euro investment in 152 projects, including projects in the Funding Objective 3.3.1, Single European Sky – SESAR. Selected projects will contribute to modernising rail lines, removing bottlenecks and improving cross-border connections, installing alternative fuel supply points, as well as implementing innovative traffic management solutions.
Air Traffic Management modernisation efforts taken to the next level
The European Commission has mandated SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR Joint Undertaking respectively to review progress in modernising European air traffic management and to prepare for the next wave of technology implementation.
SESAR Deployment Programme edition 2017 delivered
SESAR Deployment Manager formally delivered the SESAR Deployment Programme edition 2017 to the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE) on 31 May 2017.
SESAR Deployment Manager signs Memorandum of Understanding with Manufacturing Industry
To successfully manage the synchronised and coordinated implementation of Air Traffic Management Modernisation in Europe, SESAR Deployment Manager engages with a wide range of stakeholders within the aviation community. A step further is taken with the implementation of Memoranda of Understanding with all the Manufacturers having expressed their interest to cooperate with SESAR Deployment Manager as a result of the call published in March 2016.
Network Manager and SESAR Deployment Manager formalise strong cooperation at World ATM Congress 2017
The Network Manager the SESAR Deployment Manager have signed a Cooperative Arrangement in the presence of Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director General of DG Move. This agreement formalises the strong cooperation that has been taking place between the two organisations since early 2015.

Partnering for excellence in global aviation – SESAR and partners @ World ATM Congress 2017
“Partnering for excellence in global aviation” is the theme of the activities taking place at the SESAR stand and theatre during the World ATM Congress. SESAR and its support of the Single European Sky is recognised in the EU Aviation Strategy as key to boosting Europe’s economy and secure its leading role in international aviation.

2017 CEF Transport Blending Call for Proposals: 40m euro co-funding available for SESAR projects
On 27 February INEA organized an Info Day providing all details on the 2017 CEF Transport Blending Call for Proposals launched on 8 February. SESAR Deployment Manager is the project coordinator for all project proposals falling under category 1 Common Projects within Funding objective Single European Sky – SESAR within this particular Call.
Publication provides update on the state of EU/US air traffic management harmonisation
The purpose of this publication is to provide a high-level summary of the current state of progress towards achieving the necessary level of harmonisation and global interoperability between NextGen and SESAR.

Memorandum of Understanding signed between the SDM and 20 manufacturers
On 16/03/2016, the SESAR Deployment Manager launched a Call for Expression of Interest to the Manufacturing Industry. 20 ATM-related manufacturers expressed their interest to cooperate with SESAR Deployment Manager within the deadline. In December 2016, SESAR Deployment Manager and 20 members of the Manufacturing Industry signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen Air Traffic Management modernisation.
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 Cluster 2 - KICK OFF meeting
As the first official step after the signature of the SGA related to the Action n° 2015-EU-TM-0196-M the meeting provides Action Beneficiaries with the overall information on the Action execution phase, including two focus groups on the monitoring process and financial management of the Action.
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 Cluster 3 - KICK OFF meeting
As the first official step after the signature of the SGA related to the Action n° 2015-EU-TM-0197-M the meeting provides Action Beneficiaries with the overall information on the Action execution phase, including two focus groups on the monitoring process and financial management of the Action.
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 Cluster 1 - KICK OFF meeting
As the first official step after the signature of the SGA related to the Action n° 2015-EU-TM-0193-M the meeting provides Action Beneficiaries with the overall information on the Action execution phase, including two focus groups on the monitoring process and financial management of the Action.
SESAR Deployment Manager at the 2nd EU Aeronautics Conference
SDM spoke about the indispensable dialogue between the European decision-makers and the high-level industrial stakeholders in order to prepare the future of the European aeronautics industry
SESAR Deployment Manager DP Implementation Call CEF 2014 - SDM Annual Meeting
The SESAR Deployment Manager organised the “DP Implementation – Call CEF 2014” Annual Meeting in 2016, one year after the Kick-off meeting of the Action, for an update on the overall progress of the Action together with the next steps.
SESAR Deployment Manager appointed as Data Link Services (DLS) implementation project manager
SESAR Deployment Manager has been mandated by the European Commission to act as Data Link Services Implementation Project Manager.
400 million euro to support SESAR deployment
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) launched the “2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals” on 13th October, which includes a budget of 400 million euro to support SESAR deployment. The amount is split into a general (300 million euro) and a cohesion (100 million) envelope. Indicatively, 80% of the funding available under Priority “Single European Sky – SESAR” will be dedicated to Pilot Common Project (PCP) implementation under SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) coordination.
SESAR Deployment Programme 2016 online
The SESAR Deployment Programme 2016 is available on our website, after having been delivered to the European Commission for approval. The high-level "SWIM Action plan" was also delivered as a part of the Deployment Programme.
SESAR @ TEN-T DAYS 2016 in Rotterdam
The TEN-T Days 2016 featured a dedicated “Investors Conference” on how to boost funding and financing in transport infrastructure. Both SESAR Joint Undertaking and SESAR Deployment Manager welcomed visitors on the SESAR stand.
SDM and FAA establish Action Plan for Data Link and SWIM implementation
SESAR Deployment Management and the Federal Aviation Administration established an Action Plan promoting global interoperability with respect to deployment, followed by technical workshops on Data Link and SWIM implementation.
Updated drafts Deployment Programme 2016 & Financing Mechanisms Report shared with Stakeholder Consultation Platform
SDM delivered the “Deployment Programme 2016 Intermediate Draft” and “Financing Mechanisms Report Intermediate Draft” to its Stakeholder Consultation Platform (SCP). A draft selection decision on the results of the 2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals was received with 145 implementing projects awarded.
Invitation to ATM-related manufacturers to express their interest to cooperate with the SESAR Deployment Manager
In order to facilitate the industrialisation processes related to the products necessary for the deployment of ATM functionalities and to ensure the timely availability of standards and products according to the Deployment Programme, the SESAR Deployment Manager sought the assistance of ATM Manufacturers and launched a Call for Expression of Interests to conclude Cooperative Arrangements with relevant ATM Manufacturers.
2015 CEF Transport Calls submission successful
SESAR Deployment Manager submitted 3 clusters successfully to the 2015 CEF Transport Calls
SESAR at the World ATM Congress 2016
2016 was an exciting year for SESAR as the Deployment Manager is up and running and the Joint Undertaking prepares a new wave of research and innovation (R&I) projects within the framework of SESAR 2020. The 2016 World ATM Congress in Madrid was a perfect opportunity for all our ATM stakeholders to find out more about these stimulating developments.

Key facts & figures on SESAR deployment
SESAR Deployment Manager kicked off with some key figures on deployment at the World ATM Congress. The activities performed by the Implementing Partners, within the respective projects, led to the achievement of actual results which are expected to bring tangible benefits to the aviation sector and, in general, to the community.
SESAR Deployment Manager and EUROCAE sign Memorandum of Cooperation
The SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) and the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The MoC provides the principles and sets a framework for efficient cooperation and communication between the SDM and EUROCAE with regard to SESAR deployment, in light of Regulation 409/2013.

SESAR Deployment Manager and European Investment Bank join forces in support of Single European Sky Initiative
The Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Pim van Ballekom and Managing Director of the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) Massimo Garbini signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to reinforce and expand cooperation between the two organisations. In view of the focus on Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation shared by the European Commission, the EIB and the SDM are working together to offer a range of financial products to the industry.

SESAR at the ACI Airport Exchange 2015
SESAR participated in the ACI Airport Exchange in Istanbul from 8-10 December in the Operation and Safety conference, with an opening keynote from Massimo Garbini, Managing Director of the SESAR Deployment Manager, and hosted a dedicated SESAR workshop and an Exhibition stand in area F75. The objective of SESAR participation at ACI Airport Exchange was to communicate and raise awareness on how SESAR can improve the capacity, efficiency, safety and environmental gains in all sizes of airports. Demonstrating that connecting airports to European network operations can bring tangible benefits to European airport management is the key message of SESAR.
Midterm review workshop CEF 2015 Transport Call for Proposals
This workshop was dedicated to all stakeholders involved in the preparation of proposals to the CEF 2015 Transport Call under the category “Common Projects” of the priority “Single European Sky – SESAR” and gave an intermediate update and feedback on all projects received and their clustering by SDM for submission.
Launch of the STAR tool
The STAR tool replaced the temporary Online Consultation Platform to enable SESAR Deployment Manager and its stakeholders to share, consult and comment on documents on a secured platform.
European ATM stakeholders ready to invest in modernisation
SESAR Deployment Manager surveyed the European Air Traffic Management industry on their intentions to submit Pilot Common Project-related projects in the upcoming CEF Transport Calls for Proposals 2015. Close to 400 potential projects were put forward to SDM. Judging by the big success of this exercise, operational stakeholders are ready to invest in ATM modernisation.
2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals sneak preview
This event gave a sneak preview on the 2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals launched at the beginning of November to ensure dedicated support for all stakeholders.
SESAR Deployment Programme 2015 delivered
SESAR Deployment Manager formally delivered the final version of the SESAR Deployment Programme 2015 (DP 2015) for approval to the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE).

329 million euro co-funding for modernising European Air Traffic Management
The European Commission has granted 329 million euros in co-funding to Air Traffic Management projects around Europe as a result of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) CEF Transport Call 2014.

EDA and SESAR Deployment Manager seal cooperation
Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA), and Massimo Garbini, Managing Director of the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Its purpose is to establish efficient cooperation and support between the two organisations with regard to SESAR deployment.

SESAR Deployment Manager Delivers first Air Traffic Management infrastructure Deployment Programme concerning 3 billion euros
Massimo Garbini, Managing Director of SESAR Deployment Manager, formally delivered the first SESAR Deployment Programme to the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE). This is a significant milestone, a move from the research and development phase, to the modernisation of European Air Traffic Management technology.

1st Steering Group Meeting of the Stakeholders Consultation Platform
The 1st Steering Group Meeting of the Stakeholders Consultation Platform took place on Wednesday 22 April 2016. The Stakeholders Consultation Platform ensures the buy-in of the stakeholders into the Pilot Common Project.
Preliminary SESAR Deployment Programme v1 delivered
The Preliminary Deployment Programme v1 (PDP v1) has been unanimously endorsed by the Supervisory Board (SB) of the SESAR Deployment Alliance acting as the SESAR Deployment Manager and delivered to the European Commission on 31st March 2015 for information.
SESAR Deployment Manager first E-news launched
The E-news is a digital newsletter sent by SESAR Deployment Manager to inform all its stakeholders on a regular basis.

SESAR cooperation agreement signed, sealed and delivered
The SESAR Joint Undertaking and the SESAR Deployment Manager have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. This agreement provides a platform on which to build cooperation for the smooth and timely delivery and deployment of SESAR Solutions to the ATM community.

SESAR Deployment Manager at the World ATM Congress 2015
SESAR Deployment Manager attended the World ATM Congress 2015 alongside SESAR Joint Undertaking to deliver workshops to visitors on the SESAR initiative and ATM modernisation.
SESAR Deployment Manager Welcome Event
The SESAR Deployment Manager Welcome Event delivered a first warm welcome to all stakeholders. SESAR Deployment aims to achieve ATM modernisation to ensure Europe’s aviation industry and economy are able to grow, safely and sustainably.