SESAR @ Ten-T Days 25-27 April 2018

25.04.2018 11:15-13:00

SESAR will be attending the Ten-T Days in Ljubljana in Slovenia.

SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR Joint Undertaking will be represented in a SESAR stand under the umbrella of the EC and showcasing the interactive SESAR tool.

Furthermore, SESAR is organising a session on Aviation: “Building tomorrow’s innovative air traffic system” on Wednesday 25 April from 11:15 – 13:00.


Agenda of the session:

11:15 – 11:30: Introduction Nicolas Warinsko (General Manager of the SESAR Deployment Manager)

11:30 – 11:40: Marian-Jean Marinescu (Member of the European Parliament)

11:40 – 11:50: Cristobal Millan de La Lastra (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, Head of Unit CEF Transport C2 – Central and South-East Europe, ATM and Marco Polo)

11:50 – 12:40: High level panel representatives of SESAR stakeholders

Moderated by Nicolas Warinsko – General Manager of the SESAR Deployment Manager

  • Airports: Zmago Skobir (Managing Director Ljubljana Airport)

  • Air Navigation Service Providers: Kornél Szepessy (Chief Executive Officer HungaroControl)

  • Airspace Users: Peter Bellew (Chief Operating Officer Ryanair)

  • Military: Christophe Vivier (European Defence Agency Head of the Single European Sky/SESAR)

  • Q&A

12:50 – 13:00:     Closure by Henrik Hololei (Director General of DG MOVE)


Short description of the session:

Tomorrow’s air traffic management system should be created by EU-wide solutions leveraging synergies that ensure interoperability. The session will be dedicated to showcase innovative digital solutions for a more efficient and effective transport system in Europe. It will focus on SESAR solutions enhancing air transport connectivity through combining legal measures, engagement of civil & military stakeholders, incentives and strong policy steering into an inclusive policy-driven innovation cycle that takes new ATM technologies and operational concepts from their definition to their deployment into the operational environment. This cycle, developed with stakeholders over the past decade, is now running at full regime. Future aviation will be part of a new intelligent transport system relying on greater digitalization and automation that will transform services enabling seamless multimodal transport for citizens and businesses. This requires a more service-based approach with stronger focus on users’ needs and concentrating efforts and support on systems rather than on technology. The next MFF is an opportunity to further align the aviation strategy and the innovation cycle towards this objective for ensuring the right connectivity is of utmost importance and as such it depends on systems capable of generating and managing more capacity.


About the Ten-T Days – Connecting Europe

European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc is inviting Ministers, Members of the European Parliament and key stakeholders to Ljubljana to discuss how to contribute to smart, sustainable and safe Mobility, relying on the trans-European transport network and investments in transport connectivity.

The TEN-T days will also host a dedicated idea lab to allow young European entrepreneurs and companies to showcase innovative mobility solutions. There will also be an Inter-Institutional meeting to discuss further synergies between transport, energy and digital connectivity, and the investment support with highest EU value-added in the post-2020 framework. Among the high-level events, there will be Ministerial sessions with Western Balkan and Southern Mediterranean countries.

TEN-T Days 2018

25-27 April 2018

Ljubljana – Slovenia


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