Air Traffic Management modernisation efforts taken to the next level
SESAR tasked to review current Pilot Common Project and propose second Common Project
The European Commission (EC) has mandated SESAR Deployment Manager (SESAR DM), and SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) respectively, to review progress in modernising European air traffic management, and to prepare for the next wave of technology implementation.
On 9th June, the Commission decided to review the status of the Pilot Common Project (PCP), the EC regulation governing the synchronised deployment of a first set of SESAR Solutions, in full accordance with the SESAR Deployment Programme.
The Commission also recently mandated the SESAR JU to propose content for inclusion in a second Common Project (CP2), from among the 60 plus solutions it has delivered to date.
The two organisations will work closely on their respective mandates to ensure a logical and consistent evolution in the synchronised deployment of SESAR Solutions. Both pieces of work are expected to be delivered to the Commission by the fourth quarter of 2017.
Synchronised SESAR deployment kicked off in 2014, with the publication of the PCP regulation and the establishment of the SESAR DM. Since then, a detail deployment programme has been underway, with 224 implementation projects across the EU.
In its review, the SESAR DM will propose minimum changes to facilitate swift implementation and potentially earlier and increased performance benefits, all the while maintaining buy-in through a wide consultation with stakeholders.
“The SESAR Deployment Manager will fulfil these tasks with a high level of competence and commitment ensuring not only the full implementation of the revised PCP, but also paving the way for the second Common Project in order to facilitate further essential operational ATM improvements,” said Massimo Garbini, Managing Director SESAR Deployment Manager.
“Working together with the SESAR Joint Undertaking has been an evidence since the very start of the Deployment Manager and will once again be beneficial for all stakeholders involved in Common Projects.
“All our stakeholders will be fully consulted on the PCP review to guarantee the industry based approach.”
In 2016, the SESAR JU delivered more than 60 SESAR Solutions, some of which are already on course for local as well as Europe-wide implementation (through the PCP).
The SESAR JU will build on these results to propose content for the second Common Project. The aim will be to focus on the solutions that will bring the most benefits if deployed together.
“The ‘Common Project’ approach is critically important for the successful rollout of SESAR,” said Florian Guillermet, Executive Director SESAR Joint Undertaking.
“It ensures solutions defined in the Master Plan are deployed in a timely, coordinated and synchronised manner to bring optimised performance and cost benefits for Europe’s aviation sector.”
About the Pilot Common Project:
The first Common Project or Pilot Common Project identifies six ATM functionalities, namely Extended Arrival Management and Performance Based Navigation in the High-Density Terminal Manoeuvring Areas; Airport Integration and Throughput; Flexible Airspace Management and Free Route; Network Collaborative Management; Initial System Wide Information Management; and Initial Trajectory Information Sharing. The deployment of those six ATM functionalities should be made mandatory.
More information at europa.eu
As the technological pillar of the Single European Sky initiative, SESAR aims to modernise and harmonise air traffic management in Europe. The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) was established in 2007 as a public-private partnership to support this endeavour. It does so by pooling the knowledge and resources of the entire ATM community in order to define, research, develop and validate innovative technological and operational solutions. The SESAR JU is also responsible for the execution of the European ATM Master Plan which defines the EU priorities for R&D and implementation. Founded by the European Union and Eurocontrol, the SESAR JU has 19 members, who together with their partners and affiliate associations will represent over 100 companies working in Europe and beyond. The SESAR JU also works closely with staff associations, regulators, airport operators and the scientific community.
The SESAR Deployment Manager is the official title of the organisation that is coordinating the upgrading of Europe’s air traffic management infrastructure. The main task of the SESAR Deployment Manager is to develop, propose and maintain the deployment of SESAR concepts and technologies and ensure efficient synchronisation and overall coordination of implementation projects, as well as the related investments in line with the Deployment Programme. The tasks of the Deployment Manager are specified in Article 9 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013.
More info:
SESAR Deployment Manager: http://www.sesardeploymentmanager.eu/
SESAR Joint Undertaking: http://www.sesarju.eu/