Press coverage 2022 and before


Thales and DSNA unveil a new vision of air traffic management with 4-FLIGHT, 8 December 2022, Thales Group

Air Traffic Control Association awards FREQUENTIS Massimo Garbini prestigious Glen A. Gilbert Memorial Award 2022, 9 November 2022, ATC Network

Air Traffic Management: Resilience & collaboration, 3rd November 2022, Open Access Government, Vanessa Rullier-Francaud

“Industry will recover but it will take some time” by Mariagrazia La Piscopia, 12 October 2022, ACI Europe (on Twitter)

CANSO on European ATM industry’s future ambitions,13 July 2022, CANSOEurope (on Twitter)

The European Commission and the SESAR Deployment and Infrastructure Partnership signed a long-term Framework Partnership Agreement, marking the official start of the new SESAR Deployment Manager, 5 July 2022, FoxATM Market Radar (on Twitter)

SESAR Deployment Manager Interview with Mariagrazia La Piscopia, 1 July 2022, IFATCA - The Controller, Journal of Air Traffic Control

SATCOM in Aviation, 16 June 2022, Air Traffic Management Magazine

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed, 2 June 2022, Travel Daily News International

European Commission appoints new consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager, 1 June 2022, CAPA - Centre for Aviation

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed, 31 May 2022, Aerobernie

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed , 31 May 2022, Aerobernie (on Twitter)

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed - Aerobernie : actualités de l’aviation et du transport aérien, 31 May 2022, Aerobernie (on Facebook)

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed, 31 May 2022, Aerobernie (on pinterest)

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed, 31 May 2022, Meantime Communications

The SESAR Deployment and Infrastructure Partnership takes over as the new SESAR Deployment Manager, 31 May 2022, European Commission: Mobility and Transport

The SESAR Deployment and Infrastructure Partnership takes over as the new SESAR Deployment Manager, 31 May, 2022, Mobility and Transport

EUROCONTROL becomes consortium coordinator of the new SESAR Deployment Manager, 31 May 2022, EUROCONTROL

New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager appointed, 31 May 2022, atc network

The SESAR Deployment and Infrastructure Partnership takes over as the new SESAR Deployment Manager, 31 May 2022, Aviation Express: ACI EUROPE’s Daily Newsround of Aviation Stories in Europe

Traffico aereo, i progetti di AdR per aderire al Cielo unico Europeo, 1 April 2022, Terzo Binario News


SESAR deployment drives efficient, modern ATM by Mariagrazia La Piscopia, 24 November 2021, International Airport Review

The Specific of SESAR Deployment with SDM Chief Strategy & Programme Manager Mariagrazia La Piscopia, 12 October 2021, Fox ATM Podcast

SESAR Deployment Manager's Modernisation Mission of Europe's ATM - an interview with Nicolas Warinsko, 8 October 2021, Air Traffic Technology Magazine

Brussels Air Transport Brief: February 2021, 22 March 2021, KL Gates, Lexology - The National Law Review - JD Supra

Common Project 1 - A new European regulation ensuring the continuation of sustainable Air Traffic Management modernisation and digitalisation through SESAR deployment, 2 March 2021, Air Transport News

Common Project 1 regulation published by EC to ensure sustainable ATM modernisation, 12 February 2021, International Airport Review

New European Air Traffic Management Modernisation Regulation Common Project 1 instated, 4 February 2021, TravelDailyNews International

Common Project 1 A new European regulation ensuring the continuation of sustainable Air Traffic Management modernisation, 3 February 2021, ATC Network

New European Air Traffic Management Modernisation Regulation Common Project 1 instated, 2 February 2021, Aerobernie

Common Project 1 – a new European regulation ensuring the continuation of sustainable ATM modernisation and digitalization through SESAR deployment, 2 February 2021, Integrating Airport Operations (IAO)

Common Project 1 enters into force, a milestone for the continuation and coordination of ATM modernisation and digitalisation through SESAR deployment, 2 February 2021, Unifying Safety Nets and Surface Movement

CP1 aims to modernise air traffic, 2 February 2021, Air Cargo News


SESAR Deployment Manager and stakeholders committed to continue the journey of Air Traffic Management Modernisation, 16 December 2020, ATC Network - eBroky - TravelDailyNews International -

SESAR Deployment Manager: European ATM modernisation passes 150 completed projects, 16 December 2020, CAPA - Aerobernie

New partnership created to drive the modernisation of European ATM, 23 November 2020, International Airport Review

Various stakeholders and the EUROCONTROL Network Manager outline plans to drive the digitalisation of European ATM, 21 November 2020, - CAPA -

Europe Presses Ahead With Modernizing Air Traffic Management, 19 October 2020, Aviation Week Network, Thierry Dubois

SESAR DM launches portal to support European ATM modernisation, 2 October 2020, International Airport Review

SESAR Deployment Manager launches new website supporting ongoing ATM modernisation in Europe, 30 September 2020, ATC Network - Aerobernie - STAT Times - CAPA - eBroky - Daily Echoed - - TravelDailyNews International -

Flight tracking: how postponed ADS-B compliance will affect air traffic in Europe, 1 September 2020, Airport Technology, Ross Davies

SESAR takes first steps toward SWIM governance - International Airport Review

A bridge to the future: How SESAR will evolve to meet the challenges of the next decade post COVID-19

SESAR Deployment Manager signs MoU with European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 27 July 2020, Air Transport News - ETSI - CAPA - TravelDailyNews International ATC Network - Aerobernie - Air Traffic Management -

COVID-19 crisis support measures for SESAR Deployment implementing partners, 1 July 2020, ATC Network

SESAR Deployment Manager creates ATM modernisation COVID-19 measures

DSNA successfully migrated to NewPENS

SESAR: Digitalising and decarbonising Europe’s airspace

Coronavirus delays European ADS-B deadline

What’s new with SESAR Deployment Manager?

Europe’s ATM Modernization Champions Strive To Keep Momentum, 

Future deployment of SESAR technologies by airports: moving to on-time operations based on digital information sharing


World ATM Congress 2019: Power in Partnership

GSA and SDM sign MoU on EGNSS support for ATM modernisation

Satélites europeos Iris para controlar los aviones en ‘4D’

Europe’s airports embrace digital transformation with SESAR’s innovative excellence

Krok bliżej do wspólnego zarządzania niebem nad Europą. Polska chce być wśród liderów,

Spagna, riconoscimento Ue al progetto di Aeronautica Militare ed Enav sulla sicurezza

SESAR appoints new chief finance partnerships, management and corporate services

La tecnología espacial ayudará a descongestionar el tráfico aéreo mundial

Cities Will Now Be Able to Track All Drone Operations in the Airspace

Cielo unico europeo: riconosciuto l’alto valore tecnologico dei progetti nel settore ATM in Italia

Aeronautica Militare ed ENAV premiate dall’UE per un progetto sulla sicurezza della gestione del traffico aereo

Malaysia and the Republic of North Macedonia Choose Leonardo for their New Advanced Air Traffic Systems

Leonardo, scelta da Malesia e Repubblica Macedonia per sistemi controllo traffico aereo

FREQUENTIS and PANSA Sign Memorandum of Cooperation on Future Exploration of Data-Driven Airports

EU air traffic passengers benefit as completed SESAR deployment projects reach the 100th milestone

Completed SESAR deployment projects reach 100th milestone


Cooperation agreement between EUROCONTROL and SESAR Deployment manager

Cooperation agreement between EUROCONTROL and the SESAR Deployment Manager

SESAR and Eurocontrol sign new cooperation MoU

Visit to Portuguese ANSP modernisation projects shows SESAR Deployment in Portugal

Members of aviation industry in Europe call for SESAR Deployment Manager lifecycle extension

ESA i SESAR Deployment Manager podpisali porozumienie o współpracy

Members of aviation industry in Europe call for SESAR Deployment Manager lifecycle extension

La ESA y SESAR Deployment Manager inician el desarrollo de Iris

ESA and SESAR Deployment Manager Work Toward Single European Sky

SESAR Deployment Manager and European Space Agency Initiate SATCOM Deployment Collaborations

SESAR DM, European Space Agency Agree To Collaborate

SESAR Deployment Manager and European Space Agency Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

European Space Agency moves closer to more precise flight tracking

Visit to PANSA ATM modernisation projects showcases SESAR deployment in Poland


Clear Skies

Warinsko appointed SESAR deployment chief

SESAR Deployment Manager appoints new General Manager

SESAR Deployment Manager Appoints New General Manager

Over €60m in funding to help airport operators prepare for the future

World first for Belgocontrol meteo service

FABEC cross-border boost for Zurich arrivals

What do we know for sure about ATM? Partnership are essential

SESAR solutions deployed in daily operation

Europe tightens control on research activities


Single sky initiative moves ahead in Europe

SESAR Deployment is a daily reality in Europe, 

ATM World Congress 2016: Leadership change and implementation

All together now

Action plan


SESAR chiefs fear deployment ‘show-stoppers’

An interview with SESAR Deployment Manager’s Managing Director Massimo Garbini