ATM project coordinated by SESAR is being delivered at Amsterdam Schiphol airport
Brussels, Belgium, Friday, 23rd September 2016 – The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) visited a SESAR Deployment Manager coordinated ATM project at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in The Netherlands called Airport CDM (Collaborative Decision Making) Implementation yesterday.
This project visit was the first of three more to come this year. The objective of these visits is to assess the concrete results coming from timely and successful implementation of Pilot Common Project Related Air Traffic Management projects co-funded by the European Commission.
During the day, the delegation got a comprahensive view of the concepts in operation, their underlying technology and the benefits they bring to the ATM network and passengers. The implementation project in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is part of a cluster of 84 projects (of which ten multi stakeholder) by 45 partners running in 23 EU (European Union) Members States and two neighbouring countries.
The cluster benefits from EU support to the tune of € 318.5 million.
Claudio Palestini, Project Coordinator at INEA said: “This visit confirmed the good cooperation between INEA, the Implementing Partners and SESAR Deployment Manager in delivering SESAR.
“I am happy to experience that the investments made bring benefits to the ATM network and in the end to all passengers.”
Koos Noordeloos, Director Corporate Development at Schiphol Group said: “A-CDM is already implemented in 20 airports around Europe and when fully implemented here at Schiphol, I am proud to see that we, as one of the largest hub airports in Europe, will contribute to the ATM network performance.”
Massimo Garbini, Managing Director SESAR Deployment Manager said: “This project visit clearly showed that SESAR is delivering today.
“Seeing this complex project delivering into daily operations shows that the industry is in the lead modernising ATM and that SESAR is the right framework.”
Objectives of Airport CDM Implementation
The main objectives of this project, Airport CDM Implementation, are the implementation of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) procedures and tools consisting of Local Airport CDM (according to the guidelines provided by Eurocontrol) and the subsequent connection to the Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC).
This project, also called IP #109AF2, involves the airport (Amsterdam Schiphol, as the project leader), the Air Navigation Service Provider (LVNL) and the hub carrier (KLM). In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the operational core systems of Amsterdam Schiphol, LVNL and KLM are under modification according to Eurocontrol A-CDM implementation guidelines. CDM information will be shared with all local stakeholders via mutually aligned IT infrastructure.
Status of the project
The project is expected to end in September 2017. The major results already achieved today by the project are:
The development and implementation of an adapted CDM process for winter conditions, taking into account de-icing activities (either remote or at the gate) determining additional durations and tasks to the turnaround process;
Development of a dedicated KLM mobile application;
The development of a Human Machine Interface (HMI) to assist the Outbound planners;
The preparation, execution and evaluation of several CDM operational trials;
The alignment and implementation of Eurocontrol Airport CDM concept to local operations, embedding such concepts in all local A-CDM partners’ organisations at Schiphol.
In the following months the local CDM will be connected to the NMOC in order to allow the exchange of Departure Planning Information (DPI) messages according to Eurocontrol guidelines and this will also include several operational trials.
Partners involved in Airport CDM Implementation
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the largest hub airports in Europe, with 322 destinations. The number of travellers served by Schiphol in 2015 grew by 6.0% to over 58.2 million. The airport site accommodates some 500 companies that together employ around 65,000 people.
Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL) is the agency in charge of providing air traffic control services in the airspace of the Netherlands. LVNL has been an independent administrative body since 1 January 1993, it is integrated into the Central European Functional Airspace Block (FABEC) and employs around 900 people in four locations (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Rotterdam The Hague Airport, Groningen Airport Eelde and Maastricht Aachen Airport).
Koninkijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (KLM) has been part of the Air France KLM group since the merger occurred in 2004 and it has its linchpin in Schiphol. KLM employs over 32,000 people, of which almost 2,700 are pilots, and manages a fleet of 199 aircrafts. It offers 145 worldwide destinations, whereof 68 long-haul, and 77 medium-haul destinations. More than 28 million passengers fly with KLM each year, and more than 700,000 tons of cargo are carried.