SESAR Deployment Manager congratulates winners first Single European Sky Award & receives a special mention
SESAR Deployment Manager congratulates the 5 winners of the Single European Sky Awards and is very proud to have received a special mention for establishing the first partnership for deploying SESAR Solutions from the European Commission. We are happy to see that so many projects are contributing to achieve the Single European Sky goals.
Massimo Garbini, Managing Director SESAR Deployment Manager:
“I would like to congratulate all winners and projects. To achieve the Single European Sky goals is not an effort of one single organization only, it is an achievement which we can only reach by working together. Today I am very proud that DG Move has taken the initiative to publically award the organizations contributing to SES. Some of the awarded projects are being coordinated by us as being part of the overall deployment of SESAR in Europe, we will continue to support them to ensure the benefits for the European ATM network”
With this Award ceremony, held at the World ATM Congress 2016, the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE) wants to give recognition and visibility to the many initiatives that contribute to the achievement of the SES. Through the Single European Sky Awards contest, they aim at symbolically reward those that provide the best examples of successful implementation of the SES components.
The 5 winners are:
COOPANS Alliance
Time Based Separation at Heathrow
The BOREALIS alliance: Delivering FRA across Northern Europe by 2021
Remote Tower Services
Improvement of the Spanish Air Traffic Management Network performance
Link to all projects submitted: